HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4695, by Representatives Wolfe, Pennington, O'Brien, Ruderman, Reardon, Miloscia, Stensen, Anderson, Morris, McMorris, Dunshee, Delvin, Schoesler, D. Schmidt, Mitchell, Radcliff, Ballasiotes, Wensman, Skinner, Carlson, Wood, Romero, Lovick, Edwards, Fisher, Cooper, Conway, Eickmeyer, Haigh, Van Luven, Cairnes, Bush, Mastin, K. Schmidt, Alexander, Esser, Lambert, Fortunato, Thomas, Mulliken, Barlean, G. Chandler, Schindler, Hankins, Talcott, Clements, Huff and D. Sommers


     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with people and families from all walks of life in an effort to eradicate poverty housing and develop communities for people in need; and

     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity Affiliates are grass-roots organizations that are self-directed and self-initiated by local people who want to address affordable housing needs in their community; and

     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity International has 250 international affiliates coordinating some 800 building projects in 59 countries around the world; and

     WHEREAS, Washington citizens contributed their valuable effort to the 1999 Jimmy Carter Work Project by building homes in the Philippines; and

     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity International has more than 1,300 active affiliates located in all 50 states with 34 affiliates in Washington; and

     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity Affiliates, adults and youth in Washington, including House of Representatives staff, have volunteered their time and energy in providing more than 300 families with safe, decent affordable housing; and

     WHEREAS, Through the aforementioned volunteer labor and tax deductible donations with the potential homeowner/partner families contributing "sweat equity" Habitat for Humanity has been able to provide people with safe, decent, affordable homes; and

     WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity helps to restore hope, change lives, and break the cycle of need as the homeowner/partner families are given the opportunity of cost-effective long-term maintenance of their homes;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives recognize the successful partnerships that have been created in communities with the combination of volunteer construction, family support committees, and affiliate boards; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the valuable efforts and innovative solutions to the affordable housing crisis that Habitat for Humanity International has offered our communities and society.


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