HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-4743, by Representatives Romero, Wolfe, Alexander, Wensman, Parlette, G. Chandler, Carlson, Fortunato, Skinner, Hankins, Thomas and Pflug


       WHEREAS, Our state, and the Thurston County community in particular, have lost a great treasure, a wonderful inspiration, and a true friend with the recent passing of Bruce Briggs; and

       WHEREAS, In making and living his principles, Bruce Briggs made and lived his life in what can only be called a most exceptional, honorable manner; and

       WHEREAS, No less than her husband, Mr. Briggs' wife, Doris Briggs, is a community gem whose caring, genuine dedication to making this a better world is a shining light for us all to follow; and

       WHEREAS, The pride and promise of our community is a reflection of the work and compassion of this tremendous citizen; and

       WHEREAS, Every Arbor Day, Mr. Briggs was kind and generous enough to donate seedlings to state legislators as a beautiful way of expressing his commitment to our natural world; and

       WHEREAS, Bruce Briggs served with honor and distinction as a member of the Washington State Farm Bureau and its Board of Directors, and he saw to it that the Washington Park Arboretum was named the Official Arboretum of the State of Washington; and

       WHEREAS, Known all over the world as Washington and America's "Horticultural Ambassador," Mr. Briggs fostered a love for the natural world in countless young people from a myriad diversity of backgrounds; and

       WHEREAS, The honor of his time among us will surely grow as the magnificent stature of his contribution is reflected in the years ahead; and

       WHEREAS, After his Army service in World War II, Mr. Briggs founded the truly world-class Briggs Nursery and became involved in countless community projects with a spirit of selflessness rarely seen; and

       WHEREAS, This one-of-a-kind gentleman saw the good and worth of every individual trusting his gentle instincts in tireless work toward building a better community not just for his family but for everyone else too;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of Washington celebrate the life, the work, and the dedication of Bruce Briggs; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the special family of Bruce Briggs.



       I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

       Resolution 4743 adopted by the House of Representatives

                           March 3, 2000.



________________________________       _____________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerk