HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2000-4760, by Representatives Tokuda, Kagi, McIntire, Kenney, Dickerson, Rockefeller, Veloria, Regala, Santos, Keiser, Conway, Hatfield, Van Luven, Eickmeyer, Reardon, Cooper, Schual‑Berke, Morris, Edwards, Ruderman, Haigh, Dunshee, Constantine, Anderson, Carlson, Edmonds, O'Brien, Lantz, Wood, Kastama, Bush, Ogden, Grant, Buck, Delvin, Campbell, Ballasiotes, Mielke, Crouse, McDonald, D. Schmidt, Dunn and Wensman


       WHEREAS, For over fifty years, the staff and volunteers of Washington state's YMCA Youth & Government have been helping young people experience democracy in action through two successful programs, the YMCA Youth Legislature and the YMCA Mock Trial Competition; and

       WHEREAS, The YMCA Youth Legislature will meet for its 53rd session from May 3, 2000, through May 6, 2000, and expects over four hundred forty participants; and

       WHEREAS, The YMCA Mock Trial Competition began twelve years ago, and continues this year from March 26, 2000, through March 27, 2000, and expects over five hundred participants; and

       WHEREAS, The goals of the YMCA Youth and Government programs are to foster the development of citizen responsibility and communication skills; to inspire young people to develop integrity and social responsibility; to foster social competence, problem-solving ability, autonomy, and sense of purpose in young adults; to provide training, experience, and active participation in the legislative and judicial processes; to provide opportunities to hear and respect varying viewpoints; and to apply ethical values in making public policy; and

       WHEREAS, Through participation in the YMCA Youth and Government programs, young people in Washington state develop a strong sense of self-reliance and self-esteem; and

       WHEREAS, In the YMCA Youth Legislature, young adults take on a variety of roles in government, including elected positions, and exercise their responsibilities during a four-day session held at the State Capitol; and    

       WHEREAS, Through the YMCA Youth Legislature, young adults learn how to write legislation, use parliamentary procedure, speak publicly and persuasively, and compromise to achieve a goal; and

       WHEREAS, The motto of the YMCA Youth Legislature is Democracy Must Be Learned by Every Generation; and  

       WHEREAS, In the YMCA Mock Trial Competition, young adults prepare and try a case before a real judge in an actual courtroom; and

       WHEREAS, Through the YMCA Mock Trial Competition, young adults develop critical thinking and analytical skills, learn the art of oral advocacy, and appreciate the importance of teamwork and cooperation under the pressure of preparing and arguing their cases; and

       WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Washington encourage the interests of our youth in legislative matters and in the proceedings of the Legislature;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize and honor YMCA Youth and Government programs.



           I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

          Resolution 4760 adopted by the House of Representatives

                             February 21, 2000.



________________________________               _____________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk            Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerk