

By Senators West, Stevens, Sheldon, B., Sheahan, Johnson, Wojahn, Spanel, Prentice, Haugen, Franklin, Hale, Long, Rasmussen, Roach and Fraser


      WHEREAS, The Scout Law which reads AA Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent@ provides an ethical code that we would all do well to follow; and

      WHEREAS, The Scout motto of ABe prepared@ and the Scout Slogan of ADo a Good Turn Daily@ provide a positive mission for Scouts of all ages and ranks; and

      WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America have been an integral tool in the character molding of youth for over ninety years; and

      WHEREAS, In Washington State, there are over ninety-five thousand youths involved in the Boy Scouts of America and nationally there are over one million scouts, ranging from Tiger Cubs through Eagle Scouts; and

      WHEREAS, Over thirty thousand adults in Washington and over five hundred thousand adults nation-wide volunteer their time to mold the future of a younger generation through Scouting; and

      WHEREAS, The Governor of Washington State, Gary Locke, has been honored nationally as a distinguished Eagle Scout; and

      WHEREAS, Over forty-three members of the Washington State Legislature have participated in either Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts; and

      WHEREAS, Scouts of all ages and ranks provide assistance in local and national emergencies and service projects; and

      WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America was established on February 8, 1910, by founders: William D. Boyce, Ernest Thompson Seton, James E. West, and Daniel Carter Beard; and

      WHEREAS, Well over ninety million people have participated in the Boy Scouts since its creation in 1910, including presidents, astronauts, union laborers, and corporate executives; and

      WHEREAS, Learning for Life and the Explorer Scout Program are preparing a generation of youth for academic challenges awaiting them in life; and   

      WHEREAS, World-wide Scout principles which include individual respect, citizenship, and service to others, help to provide a global foundation for future service for our state and country;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate applaud the effort and work of the six Washington State Councils of the Boy Scouts of America, also applaud the positive programs that the Boy Scouts of America provide for our youth; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate encourage all agencies of state government to recognize the service and benefits that are provided by the Boy Scouts of America and work with Scouting and other youth organizations for the betterment of our communities; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the secretary of the Senate to Gary Locke, Governor of the state of Washington; the Governor=s cabinet officers; all state-wide elected officials; the National Boy Scouts of America Office, the Western Region Office of the Boy Scouts of America, and to the Boy Scout Councils serving Washington State.


I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 2000-8712,

adopted by the Senate February 7, 2000.





Secretary of the Senate