


By Senators Fraser, Brown, Costa, Franklin, Prentice


     WHEREAS, The Washington State Senate works to raise public awareness of issues that threaten the lives of our young people;

     WHEREAS, February 12th  to the 19th marks Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a national outreach campaign designed to enhance public awareness of eating disorders and to challenge cultural attitudes and values contributing to eating disorders; and

     WHEREAS, This week-long event is an annual opportunity for citizens and policy makers to learn more about eating disorders and help young people improve their self esteem and hopefully overcome these life-threatening diseases; and

     WHEREAS, Statistics indicate that millions of women and men across the United States and 50,00 to 100,00 citizens in Washington State suffer from eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorders; and

     WHEREAS, Body dissatisfaction, the drive for thinness, and dieting afflict many adolescent girls and women, placing them at high risk for developing an eating disorder; and

     WHEREAS, The causes of eating disorders range from social pressures to psychological problems; and

     WHEREAS, Eating disorders can be emotionally and physically devastating, causing kidney and heart failure, bone density loss, and even death; and

     WHEREAS, Eating disorders can be prevented through education and community understanding of their underlying causes and detection of their early warning signs; and

     WHEREAS, Throughout the week, health professionals and educators across Washington State are preparing educational outreach programs and events to promote community understanding of the importance of healthy self esteem and body image and the prevention of eating disorders

     NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The members of the Washington State Senate recognize our continued obligation to raise awareness of eating disorders within our families, schools, community and other organizations; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Senate supports citizen efforts and activities in  communities throughout Washington and across the nation to commemorate Eating Disorder Awareness Week in an ongoing effort to help young people believe in themselves from the inside out.



I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 2000-8723,

adopted by the Senate February 12, 2000.





Secretary of the Senate