HOUSE BILL 2868



                    Chapter 58, Laws of 2000



                        56th Legislature

                      2000 Regular Session







                    EFFECTIVE DATE:  6/8/00

Passed by the House February 8, 2000

  Yeas 97   Nays 0



             CLYDE BALLARD

Speaker of the House of Representatives




              FRANK CHOPP

Speaker of the House of Representatives




Passed by the Senate March 2, 2000

  Yeas 44   Nays 0



We, Timothy A. Martin and Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2868  as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth.





                          Chief Clerk




                          Chief Clerk

               BRAD OWEN

President of the Senate




Approved March 22, 2000 Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.           



           March 22, 2000 - 3:54 p.m.


              GARY LOCKE

Governor of the State of Washington

                 Secretary of State

                 State of Washington



                          HOUSE BILL 2868



             Passed Legislature - 2000 Regular Session


State of Washington      56th Legislature     2000 Regular Session


By Representatives Ericksen and Linville


Read first time 01/21/2000.  Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Ecology.

Allowing electronic warehouse receipts. 

    AN ACT Relating to electronic forms of warehouse receipts; and amending RCW 62A.7-202.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 62A.7-202 and 1965 ex.s. c 157 s 7-202 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) A warehouse receipt need not be in any particular form.

    (2) Unless a warehouse receipt embodies within its written ((or)), printed, or electronic terms each of the following, the warehouseman is liable for damages caused by the omission to a person injured thereby:

    (a) the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored;

    (b) the date of issue of the receipt;

    (c) the consecutive number of the receipt;

    (d) a statement whether the goods received will be delivered to the bearer, to a specified person, or to a specified person or his order;

    (e) the rate of storage and handling charges, except that where goods are stored under a field warehousing arrangement a statement of that fact is sufficient on a non-negotiable receipt;

    (f) a description of the goods or of the packages containing them;

    (g) the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent;

    (h) if the receipt is issued for goods of which the warehouseman is owner, either solely or jointly or in common with others, the fact of such ownership; and

    (i) a statement of the amount of advances made and of liabilities incurred for which the warehouseman claims a lien or security interest (RCW 62A.7-209).  If the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is, at the time of the issue of the receipt, unknown to the warehouseman or to his agent who issues it, a statement of the fact that advances have been made or liabilities incurred and the purpose thereof is sufficient.

    (3) A warehouseman may insert in his receipt any other terms which are not contrary to the provisions of this Title and do not impair his obligation of delivery (RCW 62A.7-403) or his duty of care (RCW 62A.7-204).  Any contrary provisions shall be ineffective.

    Passed the House February 8, 2000.

    Passed the Senate March 2, 2000.

Approved by the Governor March 22, 2000.

    Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 22, 2000.