SENATE BILL 6190



                    Chapter 68, Laws of 2000



                        56th Legislature

                      2000 Regular Session







                    EFFECTIVE DATE:  6/8/00

Passed by the Senate March 6, 2000

  YEAS 46   NAYS 0



               BRAD OWEN

President of the Senate


Passed by the House March 1, 2000

  YEAS 97   NAYS 1



I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is  SENATE BILL 6190 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.



             CLYDE BALLARD

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives

            TONY M. COOK





              FRANK CHOPP

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives



Approved March 22, 2000 Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.   




           March 22, 2000 - 4:15 p.m.




              GARY LOCKE

Governor of the State of Washington

                 Secretary of State

                 State of Washington



                         SENATE BILL 6190



                      AS AMENDED BY THE HOUSE


             Passed Legislature - 2000 Regular Session


State of Washington      56th Legislature     2000 Regular Session


By Senators Patterson, Horn, Haugen, Johnson, Costa, Goings, McCaslin and Winsley


Read first time 01/10/2000.  Referred to Committee on Judiciary.

Promoting expeditious resolution of public use disputes in eminent domain proceedings.  

    AN ACT Relating to the expeditious resolution of public use disputes in eminent domain proceedings; amending RCW 8.08.040; creating a new section; and providing an expiration date.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 8.08.040 and 1971 c 81 s 37 are each amended to read as follows:

    At the time and place appointed for hearing said petition, or to which the same may have been adjourned, if the court or judge thereof shall have satisfactory proof that all parties interested in the land, real estate, premises or other property described in said petition have been duly served with said notice as prescribed herein, and shall be further satisfied by competent proof that the contemplated use for which the lands, real estate, premises, or other property sought to be appropriated is a public use of the county, the court or judge thereof may make and enter an order adjudicating that the contemplated use is really a public use of the county, and which order shall be final unless review thereof to the supreme court or the court of appeals be taken within five days after entry of such order, adjudicating that the contemplated use for which the lands, real estate, premises or other property sought to be appropriated is really a public use of the county, and directing that determination be had of the compensation and damages to be paid all parties interested in the land, real estate, premises, or other property sought to be appropriated for the taking and appropriation thereof, together with the injury, if any, caused by such taking or appropriation to the remainder of the lands, real estate, premises, or other property from which the same is to be taken and appropriated, after offsetting against any and all such compensation and damages, special benefits, if any, accruing to such remainder by reason of such appropriation and use by the county of such lands, real estate, premises, and other property described in the petition; such determination to be made by a jury, unless waived, in which event the compensation or damages shall be determined by the court without a jury.  Proceedings under this chapter shall have precedence over all cases in court except criminal cases.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1) The legislature finds that there is a need to study the use of eminent domain and its application under contemporary jurisprudence.  It is the intent of the legislature to create a joint study group to study ways to expedite resolution of public use disputes in eminent domain proceedings.

    (2) The study group shall consist of two legislators from each caucus of the senate and house of representatives, as appointed by leaders of the each caucus respectively.

    (3) The study group shall review the need, use, application, and effects of eminent domain, current case law on eminent domain, the impact on the courts of the exercise of eminent domain, and ways to expedite resolution of public use disputes in eminent domain proceedings.

    (4) The study group shall review other issues related to eminent domain as desired by the study group.

    (5) House office of program research and senate committee services shall provide staff and administrative support for the study group.

    (6) This section shall expire December 31, 2000.

    Passed the Senate March 6, 2000.

    Passed the House March 1, 2000.

Approved by the Governor March 22, 2000.

    Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 22, 2000.