SB 5172



As of January 19, 2001


Title:  An act relating to rental payments to landlords from public assistance.


Brief Description:  Allowing landlords to receive direct payments of rent for people on public assistance.


Sponsors:  Senators Prentice, Honeyford, Costa, Winsley, Hewitt and Kohl‑Welles.


Brief History: 

Committee Activity:  Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions:  1/23/01.


______________________________________________________________________________SENATE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, COMMERCE & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS


Staff:  Joanne Conrad (786‑7472)


Background:  Many types of ?public assistance@ programs exist in Washington State.  Some of the programs make emergency shelter services available, some have low-income housing assistance and some do not deal with housing issues at all.  Concern exists regarding the adequacy of the supply of low-income housing, including concern that the complexity of renting to families on assistance may act as a disincentive to landlords.


Summary of Bill:  The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) designs a program intended to increase the supply of housing for ?persons on public assistance,@ by paying landlords directly.  DSHS considers the use of public and private housing providers, and solicits ?local governing bodies@ for the program.


A report on program results, with recommendations, is due to the chairs of the relevant committees of the state Legislature prior to the 2002 legislative session.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Requested on January 19, 2001.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.