H-3152.1  _______________________________________________


                          HOUSE BILL 2319



State of Washington      57th Legislature     2002 Regular Session


By Representatives Buck, Jackley, Lisk, O'Brien, Barlean, Kessler, Schmidt, Ballasiotes, Morris, Benson, Anderson, Haigh and Esser


Read first time 01/14/2002.  Referred to Committee on Select Committee on Community Security.

Revising provisions for emergency management.

    AN ACT Relating to emergency management; and amending RCW 38.52.010, 38.52.030, 38.52.040, 38.52.070, 38.52.080, 38.52.170, and 38.52.180.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 38.52.010 and 1997 c 49 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    As used in this chapter:

    (1) "Emergency management" or "comprehensive emergency management" means the preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency functions, other than functions for which the military forces are primarily responsible, to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters, and to aid victims suffering from injury or damage, resulting from disasters caused by all hazards, whether natural, technological, or human caused, and to provide support for search and rescue operations for persons and property in distress.  ((However, "emergency management" or "comprehensive emergency management" does not mean preparation for emergency evacuation or relocation of residents in anticipation of nuclear attack.))

    (2) "Local organization for emergency services or management" means an organization created in accordance with the provisions of this chapter by state or local authority to perform local emergency management functions.

    (3) "Political subdivision" means any county, city or town.

    (4) "Emergency worker" means any person, including but not limited to an architect registered under chapter 18.08 RCW or a professional engineer registered under chapter 18.43 RCW, who is registered with a local emergency management organization or the department and holds an identification card issued by the local emergency management director or the department for the purpose of engaging in authorized emergency management activities ((or)), is an employee of the state of Washington or any political subdivision thereof, or any person impressed into service in accordance with RCW 38.52.110, who is called upon to perform emergency management activities.

    (5) "Injury" as used in this chapter shall mean and include accidental injuries and/or occupational diseases arising out of emergency management activities, including any injuries or diseases arising out of emergency management activities resulting from destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States.

    (6)(a) "Emergency or disaster" as used in all sections of this chapter except RCW 38.52.430 shall mean an event or set of circumstances, including destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States, which:  (I) Demands immediate action to preserve public health, protect life, protect public property, or to provide relief to any stricken community overtaken by such occurrences, or (ii) reaches such a dimension or degree of destructiveness as to warrant the governor declaring a state of emergency pursuant to RCW 43.06.010.

    (b) "Emergency" as used in RCW 38.52.430 means an incident that requires a normal police, coroner, fire, rescue, emergency medical services, or utility response as a result of a violation of one of the statutes enumerated in RCW 38.52.430.

    (7) "Search and rescue" means the acts of searching for, rescuing, or recovering by means of ground, marine, or air activity any person who becomes lost, injured, or is killed ((while outdoors or)) as a result of a natural, technological, or human caused emergency or disaster, or as a result of destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States, including instances involving searches for downed aircraft when ground personnel are used.  Nothing in this section shall affect appropriate activity by the department of transportation under chapter 47.68 RCW.

    (8) "Executive head" and "executive heads" means the county executive in those charter counties with an elective office of county executive, however designated, and, in the case of other counties, the county legislative authority.  In the case of cities and towns, it means the mayor in those cities and towns with mayor-council or commission forms of government, where the mayor is directly elected, and it means the city manager in those cities and towns with council manager forms of government.  Cities and towns may also designate an executive head for the purposes of this chapter by ordinance.

    (9) "Director" means the adjutant general.

    (10) "Local director" means the director of a local organization of emergency management or emergency services.

    (11) "Department" means the state military department.

    (12) "Emergency response" as used in RCW 38.52.430 means a public agency's use of emergency services during an emergency or disaster as defined in subsection (6)(b) of this section.

    (13) "Expense of an emergency response" as used in RCW 38.52.430 means reasonable costs incurred by a public agency in reasonably making an appropriate emergency response to the incident, but shall only include those costs directly arising from the response to the particular incident.  Reasonable costs shall include the costs of providing police, coroner, fire fighting, rescue, emergency medical services, or utility response at the scene of the incident, as well as the salaries of the personnel responding to the incident.

    (14) "Public agency" means the state, and a city, county, municipal corporation, district, town, or public authority located, in whole or in part, within this state which provides or may provide fire fighting, police, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services.

    (15) "Incident command system" means:  (a) An all-hazards, on-scene functional management system that establishes common standards in organization, terminology, and procedures; provides a means (unified command) for the establishment of a common set of incident objectives and strategies during multiagency/multijurisdiction operations while maintaining individual agency/jurisdiction authority, responsibility, and accountability; and is a component of the national interagency incident management system; or (b) an equivalent and compatible all-hazards, on-scene functional management system.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 38.52.030 and 1997 c 49 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The director may employ such personnel and may make such expenditures within the appropriation therefor, or from other funds made available for purposes of emergency management, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

    (2) The director, subject to the direction and control of the governor, shall be responsible to the governor for carrying out the program for emergency management of this state.  The director shall coordinate the activities of all organizations for emergency management within the state, and shall maintain liaison with and cooperate with emergency management agencies and organizations of other states and of the federal government, and shall have such additional authority, duties, and responsibilities authorized by this chapter, as may be prescribed by the governor.

    (3) The director shall develop and maintain a comprehensive, all-hazard emergency plan for the state which shall include an analysis of the natural, technological, or human caused hazards, to include possible conventional, chemical, biological, and radiological destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States, which could affect the state of Washington, and shall include the procedures to be used during emergencies for coordinating local resources, as necessary, and the resources of all state agencies, departments, commissions, and boards.  The comprehensive emergency management plan shall direct the department in times of state emergency to administer and manage the state's emergency operations center.  This will include representation from all appropriate state agencies and be available as a single point of contact for the authorizing of state resources or actions, including emergency permits.  The comprehensive emergency management plan must specify the use of the incident command system for multiagency/multijurisdiction operations.  ((The comprehensive, all-hazard emergency plan authorized under this subsection may not include preparation for emergency evacuation or relocation of residents in anticipation of nuclear attack.))  This plan shall be known as the comprehensive emergency management plan.

    (4) In accordance with the comprehensive emergency management plans and the programs for the emergency management of this state, the director shall procure supplies and equipment, institute training programs and public information programs, and shall take all other preparatory steps, including the partial or full mobilization of emergency management organizations in advance of actual disaster, to insure the furnishing of adequately trained and equipped forces of emergency management personnel in time of need.

    (5) The director shall make such studies and surveys of the industries, resources, and facilities in this state, including federal facilities as provided for in RCW 38.52.170, as may be necessary to ascertain the capabilities of the state for emergency management, and shall plan for the most efficient emergency use thereof.

    (6) The emergency management council shall advise the director on all aspects of the communications and warning systems and facilities operated or controlled under the provisions of this chapter.

    (7) The director, through the state enhanced 911 coordinator, shall coordinate and facilitate implementation and operation of a state-wide enhanced 911 emergency communications network.

    (8) The director shall appoint a state coordinator of search and rescue operations to coordinate those state resources, services and facilities (other than those for which the state director of aeronautics is directly responsible) requested by political subdivisions in support of search and rescue operations, and on request to maintain liaison with and coordinate the resources, services, and facilities of political subdivisions when more than one political subdivision is engaged in joint search and rescue operations.

    (9) The director, subject to the direction and control of the governor, shall prepare and administer a state program for emergency assistance to individuals within the state who are victims of a natural, technological, or human caused disaster, or destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States, as defined by RCW 38.52.010(6).  Such program may be integrated into and coordinated with disaster assistance plans and programs of the federal government which provide to the state, or through the state to any political subdivision thereof, services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds by way of gift, grant, or loan for purposes of assistance to individuals affected by a disaster.  Further, such program may include, but shall not be limited to, grants, loans, or gifts of services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds of the state, or any political subdivision thereof, to individuals who, as a result of a disaster, are in need of assistance and who meet standards of eligibility for disaster assistance established by the department of social and health services:  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That nothing herein shall be construed in any manner inconsistent with the provisions of Article VIII, section 5 or section 7 of the Washington state Constitution.

    (10) The director shall appoint a state coordinator for radioactive and hazardous waste and chemical, biological, and radiological emergency response programs.  The coordinator shall consult with the state radiation control officer in matters relating to radioactive ((materials)) substances.  The duties of the state coordinator for radioactive and hazardous waste and chemical, biological, and radiological emergency response programs shall include:

    (a) Assessing the current needs and capabilities of state and local radioactive and hazardous waste and chemical, biological, and radiological emergency response teams on an ongoing basis;

    (b) Coordinating training programs for state and local officials for the purpose of updating skills relating to emergency mitigation, preparedness, response, decontamination, and recovery;

    (c) Utilizing appropriate training programs such as those offered by the federal emergency management agency, the department of transportation, department of defense, and the environmental protection agency; and

    (d) Undertaking other duties in this area that are deemed appropriate by the director.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 38.52.040 and 1995 c 269 s 1202 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) There is hereby created the emergency management council (hereinafter called the council), to consist of not more than seventeen members who shall be appointed by the governor.  The membership of the council shall include, but not be limited to, representatives of city and county governments, sheriffs and police chiefs, the Washington state patrol, the military department, the department of ecology, state and local fire chiefs, seismic safety experts, state and local emergency management directors, search and rescue volunteers, medical professions who have expertise in emergency medical care, building officials, and private industry.  The representatives of private industry shall include persons knowledgeable in emergency and hazardous materials management, to include chemical, biological, and radiological substances.  The council members shall elect a chairman from within the council membership.  The members of the council shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for their travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended.

    (2) The emergency management council shall advise the governor and the director on all matters pertaining to state and local emergency management.  The council may appoint such ad hoc committees, subcommittees, and working groups as are required to develop specific recommendations for the improvement of emergency management practices, standards, policies, or procedures.  The council shall ensure that the governor receives an annual assessment of state-wide emergency preparedness including, but not limited to, specific progress on hazard mitigation and reduction efforts, implementation of seismic safety improvements, reduction of flood hazards, contingency planning for destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States involving chemical, biological, or radiological weapons, and coordination of hazardous materials planning and response activities.  The council shall review administrative rules governing state and local emergency management practices and recommend necessary revisions to the director.

    (3) The council or a subcommittee thereof shall periodically convene in special session and serve during those sessions as the state emergency response commission required by P.L. 99-499, the emergency planning and community right-to-know act.  When sitting in session as the state emergency response commission, the council shall confine its deliberations to those items specified in federal statutes and state administrative rules governing the coordination of hazardous materials policy.  ((The council shall review administrative rules governing state and local emergency management practices and recommend necessary revisions to the director.))


    Sec. 4.  RCW 38.52.070 and 1997 c 49 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Each political subdivision of this state is hereby authorized and directed to establish a local organization or to be a member of a joint local organization for emergency management in accordance with the state comprehensive emergency management plan and program:  PROVIDED, That a political subdivision proposing such establishment shall submit its plan and program for emergency management to the state director and secure his or her recommendations thereon, and verification of consistency with the state comprehensive emergency management plan, in order that the plan of the local organization for emergency management may be coordinated with the plan and program of the state.  Local comprehensive emergency management plans must specify the use of the incident command system for multiagency/multijurisdiction operations.  ((No political subdivision may be required to include in its plan provisions for the emergency evacuation or relocation of residents in anticipation of nuclear attack.))  If the director's recommendations are adverse to the plan as submitted, and, if the local organization does not agree to the director's recommendations for modification to the proposal, the matter shall be referred to the council for final action.  The director may authorize two or more political subdivisions to join in the establishment and operation of a joint local organization for emergency management as circumstances may warrant, in which case each political subdivision shall contribute to the cost of emergency management upon such fair and equitable basis as may be determined upon by the executive heads of the constituent subdivisions.  If in any case the executive heads cannot agree upon the proper division of cost the matter shall be referred to the council for arbitration and its decision shall be final.  When two or more political subdivisions join in the establishment and operation of a joint local organization for emergency management each shall pay its share of the cost into a special pooled fund to be administered by the treasurer of the most populous subdivision, which fund shall be known as the . . . . . . emergency management fund.  Each local organization or joint local organization for emergency management shall have a director who shall be appointed by the executive head of the political subdivision, and who shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of such local organization for emergency management, subject to the direction and control of such executive officer or officers.  In the case of a joint local organization for emergency management, the director shall be appointed by the joint action of the executive heads of the constituent political subdivisions.  Each local organization or joint local organization for emergency management shall perform emergency management functions within the territorial limits of the political subdivision within which it is organized, and, in addition, shall conduct such functions outside of such territorial limits as may be required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

    (2) In carrying out the provisions of this chapter each political subdivision, in which any disaster as described in RCW 38.52.020 occurs, shall have the power to enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat such disaster, protecting the health and safety of persons and property, and providing emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster.  Each political subdivision is authorized to exercise the powers vested under this section in the light of the exigencies of an extreme emergency situation without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law (excepting mandatory constitutional requirements), including, but not limited to, budget law limitations, requirements of competitive bidding and publication of notices, provisions pertaining to the performance of public work, entering into contracts, the incurring of obligations, the employment of temporary workers, the rental of equipment, the purchase of supplies and materials, the levying of taxes, and the appropriation and expenditures of public funds.


    Sec. 5.  RCW 38.52.080 and 1984 c 38 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) Whenever the employees of any political subdivision are rendering outside aid pursuant to the authority contained in RCW 38.52.070 such employees shall have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities as if they were performing their duties in the political subdivisions in which they are normally employed.

    (2) The political subdivision in which any equipment is used pursuant to this section shall be liable for any loss or damage thereto and shall pay any expense incurred in the operation and maintenance thereof.  No claim for such loss, damage, or expense shall be allowed unless, within sixty days after the same is sustained or incurred, an itemized notice of such claim under oath is served by mail or otherwise upon the executive head of such political subdivision where the equipment was used.  The term "employee" as used in this section shall mean, and the provisions of this section shall apply with equal effect to, volunteer auxiliary employees, impressed persons as defined in RCW 38.52.110, and emergency workers.

    (3) The foregoing rights, privileges, and obligations shall also apply in the event such aid is rendered outside the state, provided that payment or reimbursement in such case shall or may be made by the state or political subdivision receiving such aid pursuant to a reciprocal mutual aid agreement or compact with such state or by the federal government.


    Sec. 6.  RCW 38.52.170 and 1986 c 266 s 30 are each amended to read as follows:

    Whenever the director finds that it will be in the interest of the emergency management of this state or of the United States, the director may, with the approval of the governor, agree with the federal government, or any agency thereof carrying on activities within this state, upon a plan of emergency management applicable to a federally owned area, which plan may or may not conform to all of the other provisions of this chapter with the view to integrating federally owned areas into the comprehensive plan and program of the emergency management of this state.  Such plan may confer upon persons carrying out such plan any or all of the rights, powers, privileges and immunities granted employees or representatives of the state and/or its political subdivisions by this chapter.  ((The plan of emergency management authorized under this section may not include preparation for emergency evacuation or relocation of residents in anticipation of nuclear attack.))


    Sec. 7.  RCW 38.52.180 and 1987 c 185 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) There shall be no liability on the part of anyone including any person, partnership, corporation, the state of Washington or any political subdivision thereof who owns or maintains any building or premises which have been designated by a local organization for emergency management as a shelter from destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States for any injuries sustained by any person while in or upon said building or premises, as a result of the condition of said building or premises or as a result of any act or omission, or in any way arising from the designation of such premises as a shelter, when such person has entered or gone upon or into said building or premises for the purpose of seeking refuge therein during destructive operations or attacks by enemies of the United States or during tests ordered by lawful authority, except for an act of wilful negligence by such owner or occupant or his servants, agents, or employees.

    (2) All legal liability for damage to property or injury or death to persons (except an emergency worker((, regularly enrolled and acting as such)) as defined in RCW 38.52.010(4)), caused by acts done, or attempted, under the color of this chapter in a bona fide attempt to comply therewith shall be the obligation of the state of Washington.  Suits may be instituted and maintained against the state for the enforcement of such liability, or for the indemnification of persons appointed ((and)), regularly enrolled, or working as emergency workers while actually engaged in emergency management duties, or as members of any agency of the state or political subdivision thereof engaged in emergency management activity, or their dependents, for damage done to their private property, or for any judgment against them for acts done in good faith in compliance with this chapter:  PROVIDED, That the foregoing shall not be construed to result in indemnification in any case of wilful misconduct, gross negligence or bad faith on the part of any agent of emergency management:  PROVIDED, That should the United States or any agency thereof, in accordance with any federal statute, rule or regulation, provide for the payment of damages to property and/or for death or injury as provided for in this section, then and in that event there shall be no liability or obligation whatsoever upon the part of the state of Washington for any such damage, death, or injury for which the United States government assumes liability.

    (3) Any requirement for a license to practice any professional, mechanical or other skill shall not apply to any authorized emergency worker who shall, in the course of performing his duties as such, practice such professional, mechanical or other skill during an emergency described in this chapter.

    (4) The provisions of this section shall not affect the right of any person to receive benefits to which he would otherwise be entitled under this chapter, or under the workers' compensation law, or under any pension or retirement law, nor the right of any such person to receive any benefits or compensation under any act of congress.


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