HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2002-4689, by Representatives Schoesler, Linville, Buck, Morris, Ahern, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Barlean, Benson, Berkey, Boldt, Bush, Cairnes, Campbell, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chase, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Conway, Cooper, Cox, Crouse, Darneille, DeBolt, Delvin, Dickerson, Doumit, Dunn, Dunshee, Edwards, Eickmeyer, Ericksen, Esser, Fisher, Fromhold, Gombosky, Grant, Haigh, Hankins, Hatfield, Holmquist, Hunt, Hurst, Jackley, Jarrett, Kagi, Kenney, Kessler, Kirby, Lantz, Lisk, Lovick, Lysen, Mastin, McDermott, McIntire, McMorris, Mielke, Miloscia, Mitchell, Morell, Mulliken, Murray, Nixon, O'Brien, Ogden, Orcutt, Pearson, Pflug, Quall, Reardon, Roach, Rockefeller, Romero, Ruderman, Santos, Schindler, Schmidt, Schual‑Berke, Sehlin, Simpson, Skinner, Sommers, Sullivan, Sump, Talcott, Tokuda, Upthegrove, Van Luven, Veloria, Wood and Woods


       WHEREAS, 2002 is the centennial year of 4-H which has served the youth of our country well for a full century now, and 4-H has withstood the test of time and yet has been able to change with the times; and

       WHEREAS, Early 4-H programs focused on increased agricultural production and safe food preparation and preservation; and

       WHEREAS, During World War II, 4-H established itself as a program for urban audiences by focusing on victory gardens, salvage/recycling programs, and bond campaigns; and

       WHEREAS, 4-H has had an international program since 1948 hosting and sending youth and adults to over sixty different partner countries; and

       WHEREAS, 4-H serves youth in rural, suburban, and urban settings with research-based programs in life skills education and emerging issues; and

       WHEREAS, Tens of thousands of Washington's young people are involved in a wide range of 4-H programs; and

       WHEREAS, The 4-H Youth Development Program has helped young people in Washington state develop useful "life skills" since it was established in 1914; and

       WHEREAS, Eighty-six thousand five hundred young people throughout Washington participated in 4-H Youth Development Programs alone in 2001; and

       WHEREAS, 4-H Youth Development Programs focus on teaching young people to become productive members of society by fostering self-esteem, communication, and decision-making skills; and

       WHEREAS, 4-H Youth Development Programs help participants learn about a wide variety of subjects including:  Social, plant, animal, and mechanical sciences; expressive, and applied arts; family living; and environmental stewardship; and

       WHEREAS, In addition to working with traditional community clubs, 4-H Youth Development Programs reach youth through urban groups, special interest groups, nutrition programs, school enrichment, camping, home-school programs, and interagency learning experiences; and

       WHEREAS, 4-H Youth Development Programs promote volunteer service by enlisting more than ten thousand volunteers statewide, who donate an average of two hundred hours of their time during the year; and

       WHEREAS, In 2001, Youth Development Programs achieved their goal of reaching a more diverse audience as roughly twenty-seven percent of participants came from ethnic minority groups; and

       WHEREAS, More than three hundred 4-H members from around the state are currently visiting the State Capitol as part of a statewide education program titled "4-H Know Your Government"; and

       WHEREAS, Washington State University 4-H engages young people with their communities, fostering both their rights and responsibilities by focusing on community service learning;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives recognize 4-H Youth Development Programs for their many contributions to the youth of Washington and the betterment of our communities; and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to Kevin Wright, the State Program Coordinator for 4-H Youth Development Programs.


              I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

              4689 Resolution adopted by the House of Representatives

                                 January 30, 2002.



                          Cynthia Zehnder, Co-Chief Clerk