HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2002-4690, by Representatives Cody, Conway, Schmidt and Talcott


    WHEREAS, All citizens should be made aware of the safe, proper, effective, and efficient use of medications; and

    WHEREAS, Nearly half of the medicines prescribed are used incorrectly contributing to prolonged illness, avoidable side effects and interactions, and unnecessary hospitalizations; and

    WHEREAS, The efforts of our educational, state, and voluntary pharmacy organizations are instrumental in educating the public about safe and proper medication use; and

    WHEREAS, Pharmacists are devoted to improving patient health care outcomes in collaboration with other health care providers in our community, hospital, managed care, nursing home, home health care, and research and industry sites; and

    WHEREAS, Over the past ten years, national polls have continuously ranked pharmacists as the most highly respected professionals;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the pharmacists in the State of Washington for the vital service they provide their communities and their contribution to the advancement of high quality, cost-effective health care.



I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

4690 Resolution adopted by the House of Representatives

                 February 1, 2002.




           Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk