S-1704.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 57th Legislature 2001 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl‑Welles, Prentice, Winsley, Carlson, Horn, McAuliffe and Franklin)
WHEREAS, Chapter 238, Laws of 1991 created the work force training and education coordinating board to provide planning, coordination, evaluation, monitoring, and policy analysis for the state training system as a whole, and advice to the governor and legislature concerning the training system, in cooperation with the agencies that comprise the state training system and the higher education coordinating board; and
WHEREAS, Section 2, Chapter 130, Laws of 1995 requires the board to update the state comprehensive plan for work force training and education every two years and requires the legislature, following public hearings, to approve or make changes to the updates; and
WHEREAS, The work force training and education coordinating board was directed to prepare a state unified plan as described under the workforce investment act of 1998 (P.L.105-220) that encompasses the comprehensive plan described in Chapter 238, Laws of 1991; and
WHEREAS, The provisions of the comprehensive plan and its updates that are approved by the legislature become the state's work force training policy unless legislation is enacted to alter the policies set forth therein; and
WHEREAS, The state faces the work force challenges of: (1) Closing the gap between the need of employers for skilled workers and the supply of Washington residents prepared to meet that need; (2) enabling workers to make smooth transitions so they may fully benefit from the new, changing economy; and (3) assisting disadvantaged youth, persons with disabilities, new labor market entrants, recent immigrants, and low-wage workers in moving up the job ladder during their lifetimes by developing a wage progression strategy for low-income workers; and
WHEREAS, The 2000 unified plan adopted by the work force training and education coordinating board includes the update to the state comprehensive plan required under Chapter 238, Laws of 1991; and
WHEREAS, The state comprehensive plan includes: (1) Assessments of our state's employment opportunities and skills needs, the present and future work force, and the current work force development system; (2) goals and strategies for meeting the work force challenges; and (3) a description of the performance management system for work force development;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate of the State of Washington, the House of Representatives concurring, That the members of the work force training and education coordinating board be commended for their dedication and commitment to the state of Washington in working together with business, labor, local work force development councils, and state operating agencies with input from practitioners and customers to produce Washington's state 2000 unified plan for work force development, including the update of the state comprehensive plan for work force training and education; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Legislature hereby officially expresses its gratitude to the board for detailing the current challenges facing the state in achieving a vision of a work force development system that offers every Washingtonian access to high quality academic and occupational skills education throughout his or her lifetime, effective help to find work or training when unemployed, and the personalized assistance to make progress in the labor market; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Legislature hereby adopts the following goals in the 2000 update to the state comprehensive plan: (1) To close the gap between the need of the employers for skilled workers and the supply of Washington residents prepared to meet that need; (2) to enable workers to make smooth transitions so that they, and their employers, may fully benefit from the new, changing economy, by putting in place a coherent strategy for dislocated and incumbent worker training; (3) to assist disadvantaged youth, persons with disabilities, new labor market entrants, recent immigrants, and low-wage workers in moving up the job ladder during their lifetimes by developing a wage progression strategy for low-income workers; and (4) to make the vision of worksource a reality so that work force development programs are customer friendly, broadly accessible, and fully committed to continuous quality improvement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Legislature hereby endorses the specific objectives and strategies for partners in the work force development system to meet the goals.
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