HB 2004 - DIGEST


     Provides that regulations shall provide that active recreation may be permitted on or adjacent to such agricultural, forest, or mineral resource lands provided that:  (1) Recreational uses shall be designed to visually screen adjacent agricultural users from recreational users and restrict physical trespass to such adjacent properties;

     (2) Building associated with recreational uses shall be limited to restroom facilities, picnic shelters, storage, or maintenance facilities for equipment used on-site;

     (3) No use that permanently compacts, removes, sterilizes, pollutes, or otherwise materially impairs the future use of the soil for raising agricultural crops shall be allowed;

     (4) Any soil surfaces temporarily disturbed through construction activities shall be restored in a manner consistent with agricultural uses; however, driveways and parking may be constructed provided they encumber no more than ten percent of the land area;

     (5) Access to recreational uses shall be designed to minimize impact on the surrounding agricultural, forest, or mineral resource lands whenever feasible; and

     (6) Although recreational use of the subject lands may be long-term, the recreational use may be changed at a subsequent date if the county or city declares after proper study that a critical shortage of agricultural soils exists and initiates a process to relocate any recreational uses off the subject property with due compensation.