HB 2169-S - DIGEST


                      (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


     Provides that the board of fire commissioners of a district that had an annual operating budget of greater than two hundred fifty thousand dollars and under five million dollars in each of the preceding three years may upon agreement between the county treasurer and the fire district commission, with approval of the fire district commission by resolution, adopt a policy to issue its own warrants for payment of claims or other obligations of the fire district.

     Provides that the board of fire commissioners, after auditing all payrolls and bills, may authorize the issuing of one general certificate to the county treasurer, to be signed by the chair of the board of fire commissioners, authorizing the county treasurer to pay all the warrants specified by date, number, name, and amount, and the accounting funds on which the warrants shall be drawn.  The district secretary may then issue the warrants specified in the general certificate.