SHB 1094 - H AMD
By Representative Armstrong
On page 4, line 19, after "used" strike "may contain as many as nine hundred" and insert "((may contain as many as nine hundred)) shall contain not fewer than eight hundred fifty and not more than nine hundred fifty"
On page 4, beginning on line 34, strike all material through the end of line 3 on page 5 and insert the following:
"((The county legislative authority may establish by ordinance a limitation on the maximum number of active registered voters in each precinct within its jurisdiction. The limitation may be different for precincts based upon the method of voting used for such precincts and the number may be less than the number established by law, but in no case may the number exceed that authorized by law.))"
EFFECT: Requires precincts to contain between 850 and 950 registered voters. Repeals the authority for counties to set a maximum number of voters per precinct other than the number established in state statute.