1158-S AMH MILO H2421.1
SHB 1158 - H AMD 124
By Representative Miloscia
ADOPTED 03/13/2003
On page 5, line 24, after "correctly records" strike everything through "election." on line 27 and insert "on a separate ballot the votes cast by each elector for any person and for or against any measure and such separate ballots are available for audit purposes after such a primary or election."
On page 6, beginning on line 22, with "a" strike everything through "election." on line 24 and insert "on a separate ballot the votes cast by each elector for any person and for or against any measure and such separate ballots are available for audit purposes after such a primary or election."
On page 7, beginning on line 9, strike all of section 13
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct the title.
EFFECT: Reinstates existing language that requires voting machines to "correctly record on a separate ballot the votes cast" by each voter, and removes from the bill the new language that would have required voting machines to "correctly record a separate record of the votes cast" by each voter.
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