1336-S2 AMH CHAB HIRS 10
2SHB 1336 - H AMD TO 1336-S2 AMH LINV H2463.3 264 FAILED 3-18-03
By Representative Chandler
On page 8, line 4 of the striking amendment, after "(2)" strike all material through "plan." on line 6 and insert "Upon accepting funding for the coordination and oversight of the implementation of a watershed plan, the planning unit must begin developing a detailed implementation plan."
On page 8, line 12 of the striking amendment, after "1998." strike all material through "grant." on line 14
EFFECT: No longer requires a watershed implementation plan to be developed within one year of a planning unit's acceptance of Phase IV funds, and no longer makes the submittal of such a plan a condition for receiving second year and subsequent funding.