1376 AMH CHAB H1629.1
HB 1376 - H AMD 18
By Representative Chandler
FAILED 02/19/2003
On page 2, beginning on line 10, strike all of subsection (4) and insert the following:
"(4) This section does not apply to the items and facilities described in RCW 90.03.270(7) or to the use of water from those items and facilities."
On page 4, line 29, after "(7)" insert "The following are exempt from the reservoir and secondary permit requirements of this chapter:
On page 4, at the beginning of line 34, strike "(a)" and insert "(i)"
On page 4, at the beginning of line 36, strike "(b)" and insert "(ii)"
On page 4, line 36, after "use" insert ";
(b) Storm water management storage facilities if no beneficial use is made of the captured water; and
(c) Excavated municipal water reservoirs, water towers, and other similar facilities that are integral to a water supply system's distribution system"
EFFECT: Exempts certain facilities that are integral to a municipal water system's distribution system and certain storm water facilities from the reservoir and water use permit requirements of the water code.
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