2209-S AMH MCMA H2682.2
SHB 2209 - H AMD 347
By Representative McMahan
On page 2, line 8, after "plan." insert "In any regional transportation investment district formed including a county with a population over five hundred thousand persons located south of a county with a population of over one million five hundred thousand persons, the regional transportation investment district shall not include any portions of the first county that are located west of Puget Sound."
On page 4, after line 2, insert the following:
"Sec. 2. RCW 36.120.030 and 2002 c 56 s 103 are each amended to read as follows:
Regional transportation investment district planning committees are advisory entities that are created, convened, and empowered as follows:
(1) A county with a population over one million five hundred thousand persons and any adjoining counties with a population over five hundred thousand persons may create a regional transportation investment district and shall convene a regional transportation investment district planning committee. In any regional transportation investment district formed including a county with a population over five hundred thousand persons located south of a county with a population of over one million five hundred thousand persons, the regional transportation investment district shall not include any portions of the first county that are located west of Puget Sound.
(2) The members of the legislative authorities participating in planning under this chapter shall serve as the district planning committee. Members of the planning committee receive no compensation, but may be reimbursed for travel and incidental expenses as the planning committee deems appropriate.
The secretary of transportation, or the appropriate regional administrator of the department, as named by the secretary, shall serve on the committee as a nonvoting member.
(3) A regional transportation investment district planning committee may be entitled to state funding, as appropriated by the legislature, for start-up funding to pay for salaries, expenses, overhead, supplies, and similar expenses ordinarily and necessarily incurred in selecting transportation projects and funding for those transportation projects under this chapter. Upon creation of a regional transportation investment district, the district shall within one year reimburse the state for any sums advanced for these start-up costs from the state.
(4) The planning committee shall conduct its affairs and formulate a regional transportation investment plan as provided under RCW 36.120.040, except that it shall elect an executive board of seven members to discharge the duties of the planning committee and formulate a regional transportation investment plan, subject to the approval of the full committee.
(5) At its first meeting, a regional transportation investment district planning committee may elect officers and provide for the adoption of rules and other operating procedures.
(6) Governance of and decisions by a regional transportation investment district planning committee must be by a sixty-percent weighted majority vote of the total membership.
(7) The planning committee may dissolve itself at any time by a two-thirds weighted majority vote of the total membership of the planning committee."
Renumber the sections following consecutively, correct any internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
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