2295-S2 AMH CHAS H5371.1

2SHB 2295 - H AMD 1205

By Representative Chase


WITHDRAWN 03/10/2004


On page 19, beginning on line 1, strike all of section 15 and insert the following:


"NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. STUDY OF CHARTER SCHOOLS. Subject to funding, the Washington institute for public policy shall study the implementation of charter school legislation in the forty states that have charter school laws and present data to the legislature by February 1, 2005, demonstrating that the system of charter schools in those states has provided innovative, high quality alternative programs for educationally disadvantaged students; has not had a negative financial impact on the regular public school system; and that student achievement in charter schools meets or exceeds student achievement in their public school counterparts, prior to the implementation of a charter school system in Washington state."



2SHB 2295 - H AMD 1205

By Representative Chase


WITHDRAWN 03/10/2004


On page 24, after line 29, insert the following:


"NEW SECTION. Sec. 28. Sections 1 through 14 and 16 of this act take effect June 30, 2005."


Correct the title.





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