FAILED 3/10/04

2295-S2 AMH SIMP FORR 139





2SHB 2295 - H AMD

By Representative Simpson


   On page 5, at the end of line 24, insert "(c) Provide transportation for charter school students using routes comparable to the transportation routes used by the school district in which the charter school is located;"


   On page 19, line 36, after "chapter," strike "a majority of the annual number of" and insert "all"


   On page 20, line 1, after "section" strike "are reserved to implement" and insert "must be"


   On page 20, line 3, after "and" strike "that are"


   On page 20, line 10, after "2001" strike everything through "year" on line 15


   On page 20, line 21, after "approved" strike everything through "students" on line 22


   On page 20, line 27, after "section" strike everything through "section" on line 29


   On page 20, at the beginning of line 31, strike "subsections" and insert "subsection"


   On page 20, line 31, after "(1)" strike "and (2)"


   On page 20, at the beginning of line 34, strike everything through "section." on page 21, line 4.


Renumber subsections accordingly.



EFFECT: Charter schools must provide student transportation on routes comparable to the routes used by other schools in the district. New charter schools are authorized only for schools with the primary purpose of serving educationally disadvantaged students and located in, or accessible to students who live in geographic areas in which a large proportion of students have difficulty meeting state student achievement standards or in which a large number of schools have been identified for school improvement.