2320-S2 AMH ORCU CALL 054





2SHB 2320 - H AMD

By Representative Orcutt



   On page 3, line 13, after "entities" insert "once the department adopts a management plan under section 8 of this act for the aquatic lands that will be used as compensatory mitigation sites or compensatory mitigation bank sites"


   On page 3, line 25, after "processes" insert ", and the department must adopt a management plan under section 8 of this act for the site"


   On page 6, after line 26, insert the following:

   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. (1) The department must adopt a management plan for each compensatory mitigation site or compensatory mitigation bank site before assuming management responsibility for the site under this chapter. The department may develop the management plan, consistent with the provisions of this section, or may contract with a third party for the development of the management plan.

   (2) All management plans adopted under this section must include both:

   (a) Details as to how the necessary amount of funding for the endowment was calculated under section 3 of this act; and

   (b) A detailed plan for the creation, restoration, enhancement, or preservation of the uplands, wetlands, or other aquatic resources on the site.

   (3) As part of the management plan required by this section, the department must, at a minimum, specify what management actions will occur on the site, when the actions will occur, and where those actions will occur within the actual site.

   (4) All management plans developed under this section must be agreed to by all appropriate regulatory agencies and, if applicable, the city or county in which the aquatic lands are located.

   (5) The department must work cooperatively with all other applicable public agencies or private entities in the development of management plans under this section, or in the establishment of specifications for a plan that is intended to be developed by a contracted third party.

   (6) The department shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in the development of all management plans under this section."


   On page 8, line 22, after "through" strike "9" and insert "10"


   Correct the title, renumber the sections accordingly and correct any internal references.





EFFECT: Prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from collecting money for a compensatory mitigation endowment, or assuming management responsibility of a compensatory mitigation site, until a management plan is adopted and agreed to by appropriate regulatory agencies and local entities for the site in question that outlines how the necessary funding was calculated and how enhancement of the site will occur. Specifies that the Department of Natural Resources may work with other entities in the development of a management plan, or contract the development to a third party, but all costs associated with the development of a management plan are the responsibility of the department.