2597-S AMH MILO HALL 040





SHB 2597 - H AMD

By Representative Miloscia



On page 2, beginning on line 27, strike all of subsection 11 and insert the following:

"(11) Member of the clergy" means any regularly licensed, accredited, certified or ordained minister, priest, ((or)) rabbi, imam, or spiritual leader of any church ((or)), religious denomination, religious body, spiritual community, or sect, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee ((or)), agent, or official of any public or private organization or institution."





EFFECT: Limits the definition of "member of the clergy" to persons who are regularly licensed, accredited, or ordained ministers, priests, rabbis, imams, or spiritual leaders of any church, religious denomination, religious body, spiritual community, or sect, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee, agent, or official of any public or private organization or institution.