2689-S AMH .... MATT 035
SHB 2689 - H AMD
By Representative
On page On page 4, line 29, strike all of subsection (f) and insert the following:
"(f) "Rural county" means the same as in RCW 82.14.370."
On page 6, line 19, strike all of subsection (b) and insert the following:
"(b) "Rural county" means the same as in RCW 82.14.370."
On page 6, line 31, strike all of subsection (3) and insert the following:
"(3) "Eligible area" means a ((county with fewer than one hundred persons per square mile as determined annually by the office of financial management and published by the department of revenue effective for the period July 1st through June 30th)) rural county as defined in RCW 82.14.370."
EFFECT: Adds Island County to the rural counties that are eligible for the tax incentives under the bill.