2694 AMH .... KEIZ 036





HB 2694 - H AMD TO

By Representative



On page 2, line 13, after "policies." strike all material through "section.))" on line 18 and insert "The funds generated with this surcharge shall not be used for construction of new housing if at ((any))the time funds are dedicated for this purpose the vacancy rate for available low-income housing within the county rises above ten percent, unless the new construction is designed to provide housing to identifiable populations with special housing needs within the county or within a city or town within the county, who are not being adequately served by the private housing market, such as persons with developmental disabilities, senior citizens, homeless persons or families, seasonal farm workers, or victims of domestic violence. The vacancy rate for each county shall be developed using the state low-income vacancy rate standard developed under subsection (3) of this section."


On page 3, line 2, after "standards" insert "regarding dwelling inspections, lease terms, affordability, eligibility for receiving rental assistance vouchers, and grounds for eviction and termination of receipt of voucher funds"


On page 3, line 7, strike "(((3) The real estate research center at Washington State University shall develop a vacancy rate standard for low-income housing in the state as described in RCW 18.85.540(1)(i).))" and insert "(3) The real estate research center at Washington State University shall develop a vacancy rate standard for low-income housing in the state as described in RCW 18.85.540(1)(i)."





EFFECT: Provides that the funds generated by the surcharge must not be used for construction of new housing stock if the county vacancy rate is over 10% at the time the funds are dedicated to building new housing, unless there are identifiable populations with special housing needs who are not being adequately served by the private housing market. Specifies which of the standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's standards apply to how the rental assistance voucher programs are to be administered. Restores current law provision with respect to who is to develop a vacancy rate standard for low-income housing in the state.