5957-S2.E AMH LINV H5320.1

E2SSB 5957 - H AMD TO AGNR COMM AMD (H-5177.2/04) 1165

By Representative Linville


ADOPTED 03/05/2004


On page 2, after line 28 of the amendment, insert the following:

"(4) The department, the United States environmental protection agency, and the Indian tribes in Washington state have developed a voluntary agreement relating to the cooperative management of the clean water act section 303(d) program. The department shall consider water quality data that has been collected by Indian tribes under a quality assurance project plan that has been approved by the United States environmental protection agency if that data meets the objectives of the plan."


On page 3, beginning on line 19 of the amendment, after "(c)" strike all material through "collect" on line 20 and insert "Recommending the appropriate training and experience for collection of"




EFFECT: Adds recognition of the voluntary agreement between the Department of Ecology (DOE), United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Washington tribes regarding cooperative management in the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) program. Requires the DOE to consider water quality data collected by tribes under an EPA-approved quality assurance plan if the data meets the plan's objectives. Specifies the DOE's policy must recommend (rather than define) the appropriate training and experience for collection of credible data.





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