5959 AMH TTE COOM 11




By Representative Wallace



SB 5959 - H COMM AMD ADOPTED 4/11/03

By Committee on Technology, Telecommunications & Energy



   On page 2, after line 12, insert the following:

   "(c) The permit holder may use the approach for ingress and egress from the highway for construction or maintenance of the personal wireless service facility during nonpeak traffic hours so long as public safety is not adversely affected. The permit holder may use the approach for ingress and egress at any time for the construction of the facility if public safety is not adversely affected and if construction will not substantially interfere with traffic flow during peak traffic periods."





EFFECT: Clarifies that the approach may be used for construction or maintenance of a facility during nonpeak hours so long as public safety is not affected, and that the approach may be used for construction of a facility at any time, so long as public safety and traffic flow are not affected.