6056 AMH NIXO H3102.2
SB 6056 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-3097.1/03) 527
By Representative Nixon
ADOPTED 04/27/2003
On page 3, beginning on line 12 of the amendment, strike all of subsection (2) and insert the following:
"(2) In addition to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, failure to register an aircraft, as required by this chapter is subject to the following civil penalties:
(a) If the aircraft registration is sixty days to one hundred nineteen days past due, the civil penalty is one hundred dollars.
(b) If the aircraft registration is one hundred twenty days to one hundred eighty days past due, the civil penalty is two hundred dollars.
(c) If the aircraft registration is over one hundred eighty days past due, the civil penalty is four hundred dollars."
On page 3, line 24 of the amendment, after "due." insert "If the pilot registration is sixty days past due, the pilot, airman, or airwoman is subject to the civil penalty of four times the fees that are due."
EFFECT: Provides the definition of violation and establishes past due dates for the Aviation Program in the Department of Transportation to follow when assessing penalties for failure to register an aircraft or register as a pilot in the State of Washington.
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