6082-S2 AMH SCHO GAVI 129





2SSB 6082 - H AMD to H AMD (6082-S2 AMH CB AMH5238.2)

By Representative Schoesler



   On page 5 of the amendment, line 12, after "than" strike "((twenty-five)) thirty" and insert "twenty-five"


   On page 5 of the amendment, line 14, strike "fifty" and insert "twenty-five"


   On page 5 of the amendment, line 19, after "than" strike "((twenty-five)) thirty" and insert "twenty-five"


   On page 5 of the amendment, line 22, after "than" strike "((fifteen)) twenty" and insert "fifteen"


   On page 5 of the amendment, line 27, after "than" strike "five" and insert "twenty-five"






EFFECT: The allocation of the appropriation to the Outdoor Recreation Account is changed as follows: 25% instead of 30% to state parks for acquisition or development/renovation, of which at least 25% rather than 50% must be used for acquisition costs; 25% for local parks instead of 30%; 15% for trails instead of 20%; and 25% for development and renovation projects on state recreational lands instead of 5%.