6225-S AMH CODY H5276.1
SSB 6225 - H AMD TO HC COMM AMD (H-5137.3/04) 1091
By Representative Cody
ADOPTED 03/03/2004
On page 3, line 18 of the amendment, after "facility" insert "and may not receive the items and services listed in subsection (8) of this section"
On page 3, line 23 of the amendment, after "receives" insert "basic services and"
SSB 6225 - H AMD TO HC COMM AMD (H-5137.3/04) 1091
By Representative Cody
ADOPTED 03/03/2004
On page 4, line 16 of the amendment, after "provides" insert "due to circumstances beyond the licensee's control"
SSB 6225 - H AMD TO HC COMM AMD (H-5137.3/04) 1091
By Representative Cody
ADOPTED 03/03/2004
On page 5, line 20 of the amendment, after "provide" insert "at least"
On page 5, line 21 of the amendment, after "assistance" insert "for all activities of daily living"
Beginning on page 5, line 35 of the amendment, after "assistance" strike all material through "assistance" on page 6, line 2
EFFECT: Clarifies which boarding home residents will receive basic services and which residents will receive assistance with activities of daily living.
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