ADOPTED 3/3/04

6401-S.E AMH LG MORE 015








By Committee on Local Government



   On page 2, line 4, after "(2)" strike "It is the intent of the legislature that strategies and policies" and insert "Comprehensive plans, amendments to comprehensive plans, development regulations or amendments to development regulations"


   On page 2, line 5, after "be adopted" strike "and" and insert "or"


   On page 2, line 8, after "2005" insert ", and shall thereafter comply with this section on a schedule consistent with RCW 36.70A.130(4)"


   On page 2, line 14, after "plan" strike "and" and insert "or"


   On page 2, line 21, after "of the" strike "county" and insert "county's"


   On page 2, line 22, after "plan" insert "or development regulations"


   On page 2, at the beginning of line 23, strike "and consider policies"





EFFECT: (1) Provides that comprehensive plans, amendments to comprehensive plans, development regulations or amendments to development regulations adopted to comply with specified requirements must be adopted or amended according to a schedule provided in the Growth Management Act (GMA). (2) Requires certain jurisdictions to satisfy specific requirements by December 1, 2005, and thereafter according to the same GMA schedule. (3) Specifies that a city or county may find that an existing comprehensive plan or development regulations are compatible with a military installation as provided. (4) Requires certain jurisdictions to notify qualifying military installation commanders of the jurisdiction's intent to amend its comprehensive plan or development regulations to address lands adjacent to the installations as provided.