6561 AMH ED H5134.2
SB 6561 - H COMM AMD
By Committee on Education
ADOPTED 03/03/2004
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The state board for community and technical colleges, the higher education coordinating board, the council of presidents, the work force training and education coordinating board, public school secondary principals, public school district superintendent representatives, and the superintendent of public instruction shall take actions to strengthen, expand, and create dual enrollment programs available to students on high school campuses by removing barriers that inhibit the availability of the programs and, where possible, by creating incentives to offer the courses and programs. These actions are not intended to decrease the number or types of dual enrollment programs available to students on college campuses.
(2) "Dual enrollment programs" means those courses that allow high school students to earn postsecondary course credits and high school credits toward graduation concurrently. The programs include, but are not limited to, running start, tech-prep, college in the high school, advanced placement, and international baccalaureate.
(3) By December 15, 2004, the organizations identified in subsection (1) of this section shall report to the higher education and education committees of the legislature on the actions taken to reduce or eliminate barriers and on the incentives created. In addition, the report shall include actions the legislature should take to encourage the availability of dual enrollment programs on high school campuses.
(4) This section expires December 31, 2004."
EFFECT: Representatives from secondary school principals and school district superintendents, and the Work Force Board are added to the group directed to expand dual enrollment programs. The expansion of dual enrollment programs on high school campuses is not intended to reduce dual enrollment programs on college campuses. The provision directing the group to examine the feasibility of using the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) as a factor for admissions and placement at higher education institutions is removed. A technical correction is made.
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