2045.E AMS TC S2793.1


By Committee on Technology & Communications




Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The legislature finds that agencies frequently maintain data warehouses that contain various information regarding persons who do business with, provide services to, and receive services from the state. The legislature further finds that instances exist where the accurate and timely exchange of data among agencies would benefit Washington citizens. The legislature recognizes that the information services board is responsible for establishing technical standards to facilitate electronic access to government information and the interoperability of information systems.

(2) The information services board shall convene a common data definition work group to evaluate the feasibility and challenges of creating a common data definition for use across state agencies. The work group shall include consideration of all instances in which state agencies collect uniquely identifying information regarding persons and businesses that provide services to the state, receive services from the state, file claims with or against the state, receive benefits from the state, enter into contracts with the state, make payments to the state, or otherwise conduct business with the state.

(3) The chair of the information services board shall appoint representatives from state agencies to serve on the work group and shall seek information from agencies that maintain data warehouses that contain various information regarding persons who do business with, provide services to, and receive services from the state.

(4) The department of information services shall facilitate and provide staff support to the common data definition work group. The common data definition work group should examine the following topics:

(a) The manual or automated system that each agency uses to collect, store, and exchange uniquely identifying information;

(b) The information associated with each record, including personally identifying information;

(c) The requirements and procedures provided in state and federal law to protect privacy and to prevent the unauthorized release of information;

(d) The processes each agency has in place to prevent the unauthorized release of information;

(e) The processes each agency has in place to lawfully exchange information with other state agencies, local government agencies, the federal government, and other authorized parties;

(f) The challenges of creating a common data definition;

(g) The challenges of maintaining data integrity and accuracy when sharing or exchanging data;

(h) The processes necessary to ensure that the information associated with each individual or business is only accessible to those persons authorized to have access; and

(i) The challenges of creating consistent and common identifiers for state employees including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses.

(5) The common data definition work group shall issue a progress report to the information services board by December 15, 2003, and to appropriate standing committees of the legislature by January 31, 2004. The report shall include findings and recommendations on the feasibility of creating and maintaining a common data definition, whether to create such a definition and, if so, how to create the definition.

(6) This section expires December 31, 2004."




By Committee on Technology & Communications




On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "Relating to" strike the remainder of the title and insert "common data definitions used by state agencies; creating a new section; and providing an expiration date."





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