6057 AMS FAIR JONE 001




SB 6057 - S AMD 385

By Senator Fairley






   On page 2, beginning on line 25, strike all material down to and including line 7 on page 3 and insert the following:

   "(c) Because of its demonstrated effectiveness in improving the health of low-income persons and addressing illnesses and diseases that harm low-income persons, the remainder of the funds deposited into the health services account under RCW 82.24.028 and 82.26.028 shall be appropriated solely for Washington basic health plan enrollment as provided in chapter 70.47 RCW. Funds appropriated pursuant to this subsection (2)(c) must supplement, and not supplant, the level of state funding needed to support enrollment of a minimum of one hundred twenty-five thousand persons for the fiscal year beginning July 1, ((2002)) 2005, and every fiscal year thereafter. ((The health care authority may enroll up to twenty thousand additional persons in the basic health plan during the biennium beginning July 1, 2001, above the base level of one hundred twenty-five thousand enrollees. The health care authority may enroll up to fifty thousand additional persons in the basic health plan during the biennium beginning July 1, 2003, above the base level of one hundred twenty-five thousand enrollees.)) For each biennium beginning on and after July 1, 2005, the health care authority may enroll up to at least one hundred seventy-five thousand enrollees. Funds appropriated under this subsection may be used to support outreach and enrollment activities only to the extent necessary to achieve the enrollment goals described in this section."




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EFFECT: Under Initiative 773, the dedication of new Health Services Account revenues to fund Basic Health Plan enrollments above 125,000 persons is delayed until 2005. (The underlying bill permanently deletes this provision.)