BILL REQ. #: H-0152.1
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 Regular Session |
Prefiled 1/3/2003. Read first time 01/13/2003. Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to safety rest areas; amending RCW 47.12.125 and 47.12.244; adding a new section to chapter 47.38 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that collaborative
transportation partnerships supplement state transportation revenues
and allow the state to use its limited resources for a greater number
of transportation projects. The legislature further finds that
additional safety rest area sites would benefit the traveling public
and contribute to the economic development of nearby communities.
Therefore, the legislature directs the department of transportation to
pursue a joint safety rest area demonstration project.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 47.38 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The secretary or the secretary's designee shall solicit
proposals from private and nonprofit entities for a joint safety rest
area demonstration project. To implement the demonstration project the
secretary or designee shall negotiate and enter into agreements with
private or nonprofit entities to provide safety rest area services.
(2) Each proposal for the demonstration project must be limited to
a specific site. Each proposal will be weighed on its own merits. If
an agreement is selected, the agreement must be negotiated as a site
specific project. Proponents may submit more than one proposal.
(3) The department may enter into an agreement with a private or
nonprofit entity if it determines that the proposal is in the public
interest, will not impair the safety or operation of the highway,
interfere with the free and safe flow of traffic, and is consistent
with the access control standards. At a minimum, the department shall
include the following requirements in the agreement:
(a) If the department grants access rights or leases property to
the proponent, the proponent shall provide fair market value
consideration to the department;
(b) If the project involves property owned by the department, the
department and the proponent shall enter into a lease agreement under
RCW 47.12.120 for the use of the property;
(c) The proponent shall provide safety rest area service to meet
department requirements, at no cost to the department, as negotiated in
the agreement; and
(d) The proponent must allow the department's volunteer refreshment
program to operate at the safety rest area.
(4) The term of the agreement may not exceed twenty years.
(5) All revenues received under the terms of the agreement for the
demonstration project must be placed in the motor vehicle fund. The
department shall provide an initial report to the transportation
committees of the house of representatives and the senate by December
1, 2004, and annually thereafter, on the status of the project and
revenues received from the project.
(6) The demonstration project developed by this section is exempt
from RCW 41.06.380 and 74.18.220.
Sec. 3 RCW 47.12.125 and 1999 c 94 s 15 are each amended to read
as follows:
All moneys paid to the state of Washington under any of the
provisions of RCW 47.12.120 shall be deposited in the department's
advance right of way revolving fund, except moneys that are subject to
federal aid reimbursement and moneys received from rental of capital
facilities properties, which shall be deposited in the motor vehicle
fund. Any moneys received from the demonstration project authorized in
section 2 of this act must be placed in the motor vehicle fund.
Sec. 4 RCW 47.12.244 and 1991 c 291 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
There is created the "advance right of way revolving fund" in the
custody of the treasurer, into which the department is authorized to
deposit directly and expend without appropriation:
(1) An initial deposit of ten million dollars from the motor
vehicle fund included in the department of transportation's 1991-93
(2) All moneys received by the department as rental income from
real properties that are not subject to federal aid reimbursement,
except moneys received from rental of capital facilities properties
((as defined in chapter 47.13 RCW)). Any moneys received from the
demonstration project authorized in section 2 of this act must be
placed in the motor vehicle fund; and
(3) Any federal moneys available for acquisition of right of way
for future construction under the provisions of section 108 of Title
23, United States Code.