Passed by the House April 27, 2003 Yeas 98 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 26, 2003 Yeas 47 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1100 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to regulating the sale, processing, or purchase of agricultural products; amending RCW 20.01.010, 20.01.130, 20.01.140, 20.01.211, 20.01.240, 20.01.320, 20.01.410, 20.01.460, 20.01.490, and 20.01.610; creating a new section; and prescribing penalties.
Sec. 1 RCW 20.01.010 and 1991 c 174 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
As used in this title the terms defined in this section have the
meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Director" means the director of agriculture or ((his)) a duly
authorized representative.
(2) "Person" means any natural person, firm, partnership, exchange,
association, trustee, receiver, corporation, and any member, officer,
or employee thereof or assignee for the benefit of creditors.
(3) "Agricultural product" means any unprocessed horticultural,
vermicultural and its byproducts, viticultural, berry, poultry, poultry
product, grain, bee, or other agricultural products, and includes mint
or mint oil processed by or for the producer thereof and hay and straw
baled or prepared for market in any manner or form and livestock.
(4) "Producer" means any person engaged in the business of growing
or producing any agricultural product, whether as the owner of the
products, or producing the products for others holding the title
(5) "Consignor" means any producer, person, or his agent who sells,
ships, or delivers to any commission merchant, dealer, cash buyer, or
agent, any agricultural product for processing, handling, sale, or
(6) "Commission merchant" means any person who receives on
consignment for sale or processing and sale from the consignor thereof
any agricultural product for sale on commission on behalf of the
consignor, or who accepts any farm product in trust from the consignor
thereof for the purpose of resale, or who sells or offers for sale on
commission any agricultural product, or who in any way handles for the
account of or as an agent of the consignor thereof, any agricultural
(7) "Dealer" means any person other than a cash buyer, as defined
in subsection (10) of this section, who solicits, contracts for, or
obtains from the consignor thereof for reselling or processing, title,
possession, or control of any agricultural product, or who buys or
agrees to buy any agricultural product from the consignor thereof for
sale or processing and includes any person, other than one who acts
solely as a producer, who retains title in an agricultural product and
delivers it to a producer for further production or increase. For the
purposes of this chapter, the term dealer includes any person who
purchases livestock on behalf of and for the account of another, or who
purchases cattle in another state or country and imports these cattle
into this state for resale.
(8) "Limited dealer" means any person ((operating)) who buys,
agrees to buy, or pays for the production or increase of any
agricultural product by paying to the consignor at the time of
obtaining possession or control of any agricultural product the full
agreed price of the agricultural product and who operates under the
alternative bonding provision in RCW 20.01.211.
(9) "Broker" means any person other than a commission merchant,
dealer, or cash buyer who negotiates the purchase or sale of any
agricultural product, but no broker may handle the agricultural
products involved or proceeds of the sale.
(10) "Cash buyer" means any person other than a commission
merchant, dealer, or broker, who obtains from the consignor thereof for
the purpose of resale or processing, title, possession, or control of
any agricultural product or who contracts for the title, possession, or
control of any agricultural product, or who buys or agrees to buy for
resale any agricultural product by paying to the consignor at the time
of obtaining possession or control of any agricultural product the full
agreed price of the agricultural product, in coin or currency, lawful
money of the United States. However, a cashier's check, certified
check, credit card, or bankdraft may be used for the payment. For the
purposes of this subsection, "agricultural product," does not include
hay, grain, straw, or livestock.
(11) "Agent" means any person who, on behalf of any commission
merchant, dealer, broker, or cash buyer, acts as liaison between a
consignor and a principal, or receives, contracts for, or solicits any
agricultural product from the consignor thereof or who negotiates the
consignment or purchase of any agricultural product on behalf of any
commission merchant, dealer, broker, or cash buyer and who transacts
all or a portion of that business at any location other than at the
principal place of business of his employer. With the exception of an
agent for a commission merchant or dealer handling horticultural
products, an agent may operate only in the name of one principal and
only to the account of that principal.
(12) "Retail merchant" means any person operating from a bona fide
or established place of business selling agricultural products twelve
months of each year.
(13) "Fixed or established place of business" for the purpose of
this chapter means any permanent warehouse, building, or structure, at
which necessary and appropriate equipment and fixtures are maintained
for properly handling those agricultural products generally dealt in,
and at which supplies of the agricultural products being usually
transported are stored, offered for sale, sold, delivered, and
generally dealt with in quantities reasonably adequate for and usually
carried for the requirements of such a business, and that is recognized
as a permanent business at such place, and carried on as such in good
faith and not for the purpose of evading this chapter, and where
specifically designated personnel are available to handle transactions
concerning those agricultural products generally dealt in, which
personnel are available during designated and appropriate hours to that
business, and shall not mean a residence, barn, garage, tent, temporary
stand or other temporary quarters, any railway car, or permanent
quarters occupied pursuant to any temporary arrangement.
(14) "Processor" means any person, firm, company, or other
organization that purchases agricultural crops from a consignor and
that cans, freezes, dries, dehydrates, cooks, presses, powders, or
otherwise processes those crops in any manner whatsoever for eventual
(15) "Pooling contract" means any written agreement whereby a
consignor delivers a horticultural product to a commission merchant
under terms whereby the commission merchant may commingle the
consignor's horticultural products for sale with others similarly
agreeing, which must include all of the following:
(a) A delivery receipt for the consignor that indicates the variety
of horticultural product delivered, the number of containers, or the
weight and tare thereof;
(b) Horticultural products received for handling and sale in the
fresh market shall be accounted for to the consignor with individual
pack-out records that shall include variety, grade, size, and date of
delivery. Individual daily packing summaries shall be available within
forty-eight hours after packing occurs. However, platform inspection
shall be acceptable by mutual contract agreement on small deliveries to
determine variety, grade, size, and date of delivery;
(c) Terms under which the commission merchant may use his judgment
in regard to the sale of the pooled horticultural product;
(d) The charges to be paid by the consignor as filed with the state
of Washington;
(e) A provision that the consignor shall be paid for his pool
contribution when the pool is in the process of being marketed in
direct proportion, not less than eighty percent of his interest less
expenses directly incurred, prior liens, and other advances on the
grower's crop unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between grower and
commission merchant.
(16) "Date of sale" means the date agricultural products are
delivered to the person buying the products.
(17) "Conditioner" means any person, firm, company, or other
organization that receives turf, forage, or vegetable seeds from a
consignor for drying or cleaning.
(18) "Seed bailment contract" means any contract meeting the
requirements of chapter 15.48 RCW.
(19) "Proprietary seed" means any seed that is protected under the
Federal Plant Variety Protection Act.
(20) "Licensed public weighmaster" means any person, licensed under
the provisions of chapter 15.80 RCW, who weighs, measures, or counts
any commodity or thing and issues therefor a signed certified
statement, ticket, or memorandum of weight, measure, or count upon
which the purchase or sale of any commodity or upon which the basic
charge of payment for services rendered is based.
(21) "Certified weight" means any signed certified statement or
memorandum of weight, measure or count issued by a licensed public
weighmaster in accordance with the provisions of chapter 15.80 RCW.
(22) "Licensee" means any person or business licensed under this
chapter as a commission merchant, dealer, limited dealer, broker, cash
buyer, or agent.
Sec. 2 RCW 20.01.130 and 1993 sp.s. c 24 s 929 are each amended
to read as follows:
All fees and other moneys received by the department under ((the
provisions of)) this chapter shall be paid to the director and ((shall
be)) used solely for the purpose of carrying out ((the provisions of))
this chapter and the rules adopted ((hereunder or for departmental
administrative expenses during the 1993-95 biennium)) under this
chapter. All civil fines received by the courts as the result of
notices of infractions issued by the director shall be paid to the
director, less any mandatory court costs and assessments.
Sec. 3 RCW 20.01.140 and 1959 c 139 s 14 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any change in the organization of any firm, association, exchange,
corporation, or partnership licensed under ((the provisions of)) this
chapter shall be reported to the director and the licensee's surety or
sureties within thirty days.
Sec. 4 RCW 20.01.211 and 1983 c 305 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In lieu of the bonding provision required by RCW 20.01.210, any
dealer who buys, agrees to buy, or pays for the production or increase
of any agricultural product by paying to the consignor at the time of
obtaining possession or control of any agricultural product the full
agreed price of the agricultural product may file a bond in an amount
equal to the dealer's maximum monthly purchases, divided by ((fifteen))
twelve, but the minimum bond ((provided by)) under this section shall
be ((in a minimum of seven thousand five hundred)) no less than ten
thousand dollars.
(2) Any dealer using the bonding provisions of this section shall
file an affidavit with the director that sets forth the dealer's
maximum monthly purchases from or payments to consignors. The
affidavit shall be filed at the time of application and with each
(3) Any dealer bonded under this section who is found to be in
violation of this chapter shall be required to comply with the bonding
requirements of RCW 20.01.210 for a minimum of two years.
Sec. 5 RCW 20.01.240 and 1986 c 178 s 12 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) ((Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) Any
consignor who believes he or she has a valid claim against the bond of
a commission merchant or dealer shall file a claim with the director.
((Upon the filing of a claim under this subsection against any
commission merchant or dealer handling any agricultural product, the
director may, after investigation, proceed to ascertain the names and
addresses of all consignor creditors of such commission merchant and
dealer, together with the amounts due and owing to them by such
commission merchant and dealer, and shall request all such consignor
creditors to file a verified statement of their respective claims with
the director. Such request shall be addressed to each known consignor
creditor at his last known address.))
(2) Any consignor who believes he or she has a valid claim against
the bond of a commission merchant or dealer in hay or straw, shall file
a claim with the director within twenty days of the licensee's default.
In the case of a claim against the bond of a commission merchant or
unlimited dealer in hay or straw, default occurs when the licensee
fails to make payment within thirty days of the date the licensee took
possession of the hay or straw. In the case of a claim against a
limited dealer in hay or straw, default occurs when the licensee fails
to make payment upon taking possession of the hay or straw. Upon
verifying the consignor's claim either through investigation or, if
necessary, an administrative action, the director shall, within ten
working days of the filing of the claim, make demand for payment of the
claim by the licensee's surety without regard to any other potentially
valid claim. Any subsequent claim will likewise result in a demand
against the licensee's surety, subject to the availability of any
remaining bond proceeds.
(2) In the case of a claim against the bond of a commission
merchant or dealer in hay or straw, default occurs when the licensee
fails to make payment within thirty days of the date the licensee took
possession of the hay or straw or at a date agreed to by both the
consignor and commission merchant or dealer in written contract. In
the case of a claim against a limited dealer in hay or straw, default
occurs when the licensee fails to make payment upon taking possession
of the hay or straw.
(3) Upon the filing of a claim under this subsection against any
commission merchant or dealer handling any agricultural product, the
director may, after investigation, proceed to ascertain the names and
addresses of all consignor creditors of such commission merchant and
dealer, together with the amounts due and owing to them by such
commission merchant and dealer, and shall request all such consignor
creditors to file a verified statement of their respective claims with
the director. Such request shall be addressed to each known consignor
creditor at his last known address.
(4) For claims against a bond that have been filed by consignors
prior to the sixty-day deadline established in RCW 20.01.250, the
director shall investigate the claims and, within thirty days of
verifying the claims, demand payment for the valid claims by the
licensee's surety. The director shall distribute the proceeds of the
valid bond claims to the claimants on a pro rata basis within the
limits of the claims and the availability of the bond proceeds. If a
claim is filed after the sixty-day deadline established in RCW
20.01.250, the director may investigate the claim and may demand
payment for a valid claim. The director shall distribute the proceeds
of any such payment made by the surety to the claimant on a first-to-file, first-to-be-paid basis within the limits of the claim and the
availability of any bond proceeds remaining after the pro rata
distribution. All distributions made by the director under this
subsection are subject to RCW 20.01.260.
Sec. 6 RCW 20.01.320 and 1959 c 139 s 32 are each amended to read
as follows:
The director on his or her own motion or upon the verified
complaint of any interested party may investigate, examine, or inspect
(1) any transaction involving solicitation, receipt, sale, or attempted
sale of agricultural products by any person or persons acting or
assuming to act as a commission merchant, dealer, broker, cash buyer,
or agent; (2) the failure to make proper and true account of sales and
settlement thereof as required under this chapter ((and/or)) or rules
((and regulations)) adopted ((hereunder)) under this chapter; (3) the
intentional making of false statements as to conditions and quantity of
any agricultural products received or in storage; (4) the intentional
making of false statements as to market conditions; (5) the failure to
make payment for products within the time required by this chapter; (6)
any and all other injurious transactions. In furtherance of ((any))
such an investigation, examination, or inspection, the director or
((his)) an authorized representative((,)) may examine that portion of
the ledgers, books, accounts, memoranda and other documents,
agricultural products, scales, measures, and other articles and things
used in connection with the business of ((such)) the person relating to
the transactions involved. For the purpose of ((such)) the
investigation the director shall at all times have free and unimpeded
access to all buildings, yards, warehouses, storage, and transportation
facilities or any other place where agricultural products are kept,
stored, handled, or transported. If the director is denied access, the
director may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a search
warrant authorizing access to the premises and records. The court may
upon the application issue the search warrant for the purposes
requested. The director may also, for the purpose of ((such)) the
investigation, issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses,
as provided in RCW 20.01.170, ((and/or)) or the production of books or
documents, anywhere in the state.
Sec. 7 RCW 20.01.410 and 1971 ex.s. c 182 s 12 are each amended
to read as follows:
(1) A copy of a manifest of cargo, on a form prescribed by the
director, shall be carried on any vehicle transporting agricultural
products purchased by a dealer or cash buyer, or consigned to a
commission merchant from the consignor thereof when prescribed by the
director. A bill of lading may be carried in lieu of a manifest of
cargo for an agricultural product other than hay or straw.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the
commission merchant, dealer, or cash buyer of agricultural products
shall issue a copy of ((such)) the manifest or bill of lading to the
consignor of ((such)) the agricultural products and the original shall
be retained by the licensee for a period of ((one)) three years during
which time it shall be surrendered upon request to the director.
((Such)) The manifest of cargo ((shall be)) is valid only when signed
by the licensee or his or her agent and the consignor or his or her
authorized representative of ((such)) the agricultural products.
(3) The commission merchant or dealer of hay or straw shall issue
a copy of a manifest to the consignor. The original copy shall be
retained by the commission merchant or dealer for a period of three
years during which time it shall be surrendered upon request to the
director. The manifest of cargo is valid only when signed by the
licensee or his or her agent and the consignor or his or her authorized
representative of hay or straw.
(4) Manifest forms will be provided to licensees at the actual cost
for the manifests plus necessary handling costs incurred by the
Sec. 8 RCW 20.01.460 and 1989 c 354 s 43 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Any person who violates the provisions of this chapter or fails
to comply with the rules adopted under this chapter is guilty of a
gross misdemeanor, except as provided in subsections (2) ((and (3)))
through (4) of this section.
(2) Any commission merchant, dealer, or cash buyer, or any person
assuming or attempting to act as a commission merchant, dealer, or cash
buyer without a license is guilty of a class C felony who:
(a) Imposes false charges for handling or services in connection
with agricultural products.
(b) Makes fictitious sales or is guilty of collusion to defraud the
(c) Intentionally makes false statement or statements as to the
grade, conditions, markings, quality, or quantity of goods shipped or
packed in any manner.
(d) With the intent to defraud the consignor, fails to comply with
the requirements set forth under RCW 20.01.010(10), 20.01.390, or
(3) Any person who violates the provisions of RCW 20.01.040,
20.01.080, 20.01.120, 20.01.125, 20.01.410, or 20.01.610 has committed
a civil infraction.
(4) Unlawful issuance of a check or draft may be prosecuted under
RCW 9A.56.060.
Sec. 9 RCW 20.01.490 and 1986 c 178 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any person found to have committed a civil infraction under this
chapter shall be assessed a monetary penalty. No monetary penalty so
assessed may exceed ((one)) five thousand dollars. The director shall
adopt a schedule of monetary penalties for each violation of this
chapter classified as a civil infraction and shall submit the schedule
to the proper courts. Whenever a monetary penalty is imposed by the
court, the penalty is immediately due and payable. The court may, at
its discretion, grant an extension of time, not to exceed thirty days,
in which the penalty must be paid. Failure to pay any monetary
penalties imposed under this chapter shall be punishable as a
Sec. 10 RCW 20.01.610 and 1986 c 178 s 14 are each amended to
read as follows:
The director or ((his)) appointed officers may stop a vehicle
transporting ((hay or straw)) agricultural products upon the public
roads of this state if there is reasonable cause to believe the
carrier, seller, or buyer may be in violation of this chapter. Any
operator of a vehicle failing or refusing to stop when directed to do
so has committed a civil infraction.
The director and appointed officers shall work to ensure that
vehicles carrying perishable agricultural products are detained no
longer than is absolutely necessary for a prompt assessment of
compliance with this chapter. If a vehicle carrying perishable
agricultural products is found to be in violation of this chapter, the
director or appointed officers shall promptly issue necessary notices
of civil infraction, as provided in RCW 20.01.482 and 20.01.484, and
shall allow the vehicle to continue toward its destination without
further delay.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 In recognition of the significant losses
incurred by seed producers in the state from a recent seed company
bankruptcy and the increasing diversity of and changes in the state's
seed industry, the department of agriculture shall conduct a study of
alternative methods of reducing the risk of nonpayment of producers
from seed company bankruptcies and increasing the financial recovery
for seed producers should such bankruptcies occur. The study shall
evaluate alternative methods of addressing issues relating to
nonpayment of producers, including the potential of establishing an
indemnity fund, and how the costs of providing and maintaining such a
fund would be borne. The department shall evaluate whether
establishing an indemnity fund would be in addition to or as a
substitute for any current bonding requirements for various types of
seed crops and seed contracts, including bailment contracts. The
department shall establish an advisory committee including
representatives of producers and seed companies of various types of
agricultural seeds grown in this state to assist it in the study.
The department shall report the results of the study, including any
recommended legislation in bill form, to the governor and to the
appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2003.