WHEREAS, 150 years ago Governor Stevens proclaimed January 30,
1854, as the date for election of the first legislative assembly thus
electing 9 members to the council and 17 members to the house of
representatives; and
WHEREAS, 150 years ago today on February 27, 1854, 9 newly elected
members of the council and 17 newly elected members of the house of
representatives arrived in Olympia on foot, horseback, by canoe, or
small boat to convene the very first legislative assembly on the second
floor of the Parker-Coulter Dry Goods Store on Main Street; and
WHEREAS, We honor those pioneers who became landmark figures in the
history of their respective communities and provided each with a notion
of government based on fairness, the rule of law over the rule of man,
and the best ideals of our nation at the time; and
WHEREAS, Many counties, cities, and historical organizations are
currently celebrating Washington State's sesquicentennial;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
call on the people of the State of Washington to join us in recognizing
and honoring its first lawmakers on this day, February 27, 2004, the
anniversary of the first convening of the Washington State Territorial