Passed by the House April 23, 2003 Yeas 98 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 16, 2003 Yeas 47 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1211 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. CYNTHIA ZEHNDER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 14, 2003. GARY LOCKE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 14, 2003 - 3:05 p.m. Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to accountability requirements under the public accountancy act; amending RCW 18.04.195, 18.04.215, 18.04.295, 18.04.390, and 18.04.370; creating a new section; prescribing penalties; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1 RCW 18.04.195 and 2001 c 294 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A sole proprietorship engaged in business in this state and
offering to issue or issuing reports on financial statements or using
the title CPA or certified public accountant shall license, as a firm,
every three years with the board.
(a) The sole proprietor shall hold a license to practice under RCW
(b) Each resident person in charge of an office located in this
state shall hold a license to practice under RCW 18.04.215; and
(c) The licensed firm must meet competency requirements established
by rule by the board.
(2) A partnership engaged in business in this state and offering to
issue or issuing reports on financial statements or using the title CPA
or certified public accountant shall license as a firm every three
years with the board, and shall meet the following requirements:
(a) At least one general partner of the partnership shall hold a
license to practice under RCW 18.04.215;
(b) Each resident person in charge of an office in this state shall
hold a license to practice under RCW 18.04.215;
(c) A simple majority of the ownership of the licensed firm in
terms of financial interests and voting rights of all partners or
owners shall be held by natural persons who are licensees or holders of
a valid license issued under this chapter or by another state that
entitles the holder to practice public accounting in this state. The
principal partner of the partnership and any partner having authority
over issuing reports on financial statements shall hold a license under
this chapter or issued by another state that entitles the holder to
practice public accounting in this state; and
(d) The licensed firm must meet competency requirements established
by rule by the board.
(3) A corporation engaged in business in this state and offering to
issue or issuing reports on financial statements or using the title CPA
or certified public accountant shall license as a firm every three
years with the board and shall meet the following requirements:
(a) A simple majority of the ownership of the licensed firm in
terms of financial interests and voting rights of all shareholders or
owners shall be held by natural persons who are licensees or holders of
a valid license issued under this chapter or by another state that
entitles the holder to practice public accounting in this state and is
principally employed by the corporation or actively engaged in its
business. The principal officer of the corporation and any officer or
director having authority over issuing reports on financial statements
shall hold a license under this chapter or issued by another state that
entitles the holder to practice public accounting in this state;
(b) At least one shareholder of the corporation shall hold a
license under RCW 18.04.215;
(c) Each resident person in charge of an office located in this
state shall hold a license under RCW 18.04.215;
(d) A written agreement shall bind the corporation or its
shareholders to purchase any shares offered for sale by, or not under
the ownership or effective control of, a qualified shareholder, and
bind any holder not a qualified shareholder to sell the shares to the
corporation or its qualified shareholders. The agreement shall be
noted on each certificate of corporate stock. The corporation may
purchase any amount of its stock for this purpose, notwithstanding any
impairment of capital, as long as one share remains outstanding;
(e) The corporation shall comply with any other rules pertaining to
corporations practicing public accounting in this state as the board
may prescribe; and
(f) The licensed firm must meet competency requirements established
by rule by the board.
(4) A limited liability company engaged in business in this state
and offering to issue or issuing reports on financial statements or
using the title CPA or certified public accountant shall license as a
firm every three years with the board, and shall meet the following
(a) At least one member of the limited liability company shall hold
a license under RCW 18.04.215;
(b) Each resident manager or member in charge of an office located
in this state shall hold a license under RCW 18.04.215;
(c) A simple majority of the ownership of the licensed firm in
terms of financial interests and voting rights of all owners shall be
held by natural persons who are licensees or holders of a valid license
issued under this chapter or by another state that entitles the holder
to practice public accounting in this state. The principal member or
manager of the limited liability company and any member having
authority over issuing reports on financial statements shall hold a
license under this chapter or issued by another state that entitles the
holder to practice public accounting in this state; and
(d) The licensed firm must meet competency requirements established
by rule by the board.
(5) Application for a license as a firm shall be made upon the
affidavit of the proprietor or person designated as managing partner,
member, or shareholder for Washington. This person shall hold a
license under RCW 18.04.215. The board shall determine in each case
whether the applicant is eligible for a license. A partnership,
corporation, or limited liability company which is licensed to practice
under RCW 18.04.215 may use the designation "certified public
accountants" or "CPAs" in connection with its partnership, limited
liability company, or corporate name. The board shall be given
notification within ninety days after the admission or withdrawal of a
partner, shareholder, or member engaged in this state in the practice
of public accounting from any partnership, corporation, or limited
liability company so licensed.
(6) Licensed firms which fall out of compliance with the provisions
of this section due to changes in firm ownership or personnel, after
receiving or renewing a license, shall notify the board in writing
within ((thirty)) ninety days of its falling out of compliance and
propose a time period in which they will come back into compliance.
The board may grant a reasonable period of time for a firm to be in
compliance with the provisions of this section. Failure to bring the
firm into compliance within a reasonable period of time, as determined
by the board, may result in suspension, revocation, or imposition of
conditions on the firm's license.
(7) Fees for the license as a firm and for notification of the
board of the admission or withdrawal of a partner, shareholder, or
member shall be determined by the board. Fees shall be paid by the
firm at the time the license application form or notice of admission or
withdrawal of a partner, shareholder, or member is filed with the
(8) Nonlicensee owners of licensed firms are:
(a) Required to fully comply with the provisions of this chapter
and board rules;
(b) Required to be a natural person;
(c) Required to be an active individual participant in the licensed
firm or affiliated entities as these terms are defined by board rule;
(d) Subject to discipline by the board for violation of this
(9) Resident nonlicensee owners of licensed firms are required to
(a) The ethics examination, registration, and fee requirements as
established by the board rules; and
(b) The ethics CPE requirements established by the board rules.
(10)(a) Licensed firms must notify the board within thirty days
(i) Sanction, suspension, revocation, or modification of their
professional license or practice rights by the securities exchange
commission, internal revenue service, or another state board of
(ii) Sanction or order against the licensee or nonlicensee firm
owner by any federal or other state agency related to the licensee's
practice of public accounting or violation of ethical or technical
standards established by board rule; or
(iii) The licensed firm is notified that it has been charged with
a violation of law that could result in the suspension or revocation of
the firm's license by a federal or other state agency, as identified by
board rule, related to the firm's professional license, practice
rights, or violation of ethical or technical standards established by
board rule.
(b) The board must adopt rules to implement this subsection and may
also adopt rules specifying requirements for licensees to report to the
board sanctions or orders relating to the licensee's practice of public
accounting or violation of ethical or technical standards entered
against the licensee by a nongovernmental professionally related
standard-setting entity.
Sec. 2 RCW 18.04.215 and 2001 c 294 s 13 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Three-year licenses shall be issued by the board:
(a) To persons meeting the requirements of RCW 18.04.105(1),
18.04.180, or 18.04.183.
(b) To certificate holders meeting the requirements of RCW
(c) To firms under RCW 18.04.195, meeting the requirements of RCW
(2) The board shall, by rule, provide for a system of certificate
and license renewal and reinstatement. Applicants for renewal or
reinstatement shall, at the time of filing their applications, list
with the board all states and foreign jurisdictions in which they hold
or have applied for certificates, permits or licenses to practice.
(3) An inactive certificate is renewed every three years with
renewal subject to the requirements of ethics CPE and the payment of
fees, prescribed by the board. Failure to renew the inactive
certificate shall cause the inactive certificate to lapse and be
subject to reinstatement. The board shall adopt rules providing for
fees and procedures for renewal and reinstatement of inactive
(4) A license is issued every three years with renewal subject to
requirements of CPE and payment of fees, prescribed by the board.
Failure to renew the license shall cause the license to lapse and
become subject to reinstatement. Persons holding a lapsed license are
prohibited from using the title "CPA" or "certified public accountant."
Persons holding a lapsed license are prohibited from practicing public
accountancy. The board shall adopt rules providing for fees and
procedures for issuance, renewal, and reinstatement of licenses.
(5) The board shall adopt rules providing for CPE for licensees and
certificate holders. The rules shall:
(a) Provide that a licensee shall verify to the board that he or
she has completed at least an accumulation of one hundred twenty hours
of CPE during the last three-year period to maintain the license;
(b) Establish CPE requirements; and
(c) Establish when new licensees shall verify that they have
completed the required CPE.
(6) A certified public accountant who holds a license issued by
another state, and applies for a license in this state, may practice in
this state from the date of filing a completed application with the
board, until the board has acted upon the application provided the
application is made prior to holding out as a certified public
accountant in this state and no sanctions or investigations, deemed by
the board to be pertinent to public accountancy, by other jurisdictions
or agencies are in process.
(7) A licensee shall submit to the board satisfactory proof of
having completed an accumulation of one hundred twenty hours of CPE
recognized and approved by the board during the preceding three years.
Failure to furnish this evidence as required shall make the license
lapse and subject to reinstatement procedures, unless the board
determines the failure to have been due to retirement or reasonable
The board in its discretion may renew a certificate or license
despite failure to furnish evidence of compliance with requirements of
CPE upon condition that the applicant follow a particular program of
In issuing rules and individual orders with respect to CPE
requirements, the board, among other considerations, may rely upon
guidelines and pronouncements of recognized educational and
professional associations, may prescribe course content, duration, and
organization, and may take into account the accessibility of CPE to
licensees and certificate holders and instances of individual hardship.
(8) Fees for renewal or reinstatement of certificates and licenses
in this state shall be determined by the board under this chapter.
Fees shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application form is
filed with the board. The board, by rule, may provide for proration of
fees for licenses or certificates issued between normal renewal dates.
(9)(a) Licensees, certificate holders, and nonlicensee owners must
notify the board within thirty days after:
(i) Sanction, suspension, revocation, or modification of their
professional license or practice rights by the securities exchange
commission, internal revenue service, or another state board of
(ii) Sanction or order against the licensee, certificate holder, or
nonlicensee owner by any federal or other state agency related to the
licensee's practice of public accounting or the licensee's, certificate
holder's, or nonlicensee owner's violation of ethical or technical
standards established by board rule; or
(iii) The licensee, certificate holder, or nonlicensee owner is
notified that he or she has been charged with a violation of law that
could result in the suspension or revocation of a license or
certificate by a federal or other state agency, as identified by board
rule, related to the licensee's, certificate holder's, or nonlicensee
owner's professional license, practice rights, or violation of ethical
or technical standards established by board rule.
(b) The board must adopt rules to implement this subsection and may
also adopt rules specifying requirements for licensees, certificate
holders, and nonlicensee owners to report to the board sanctions or
orders relating to the licensee's practice of public accounting or the
licensee's, certificate holder's, or nonlicensee owner's violation of
ethical or technical standards entered against the licensee,
certificate holder, or nonlicensee owner by a nongovernmental
professionally related standard-setting entity.
Sec. 3 RCW
18.04.295 and 2001 c 294 s 14 are each amended to read
as follows:
The board shall have the power to: Revoke, suspend, refuse to
renew, or reinstate a license or certificate; impose a fine in an
amount not to exceed ((ten)) thirty thousand dollars plus the board's
investigative and legal costs in bringing charges against a certified
public accountant, a certificate holder, a licensee, a licensed firm,
or a nonlicensee holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm; may
impose full restitution to injured parties; may impose conditions
precedent to renewal of a certificate or a license; or may prohibit a
nonlicensee from holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm, for
any of the following causes:
(1) Fraud or deceit in obtaining a license, or in any filings with
the board;
(2) Dishonesty, fraud, or negligence while representing oneself as
a nonlicensee owner holding an ownership interest in a licensed firm,
a licensee, or a certificate holder;
(3) A violation of any provision of this chapter;
(4) A violation of a rule of professional conduct promulgated by
the board under the authority granted by this chapter;
(5) Conviction of a crime or an act constituting a crime under:
(a) The laws of this state;
(b) The laws of another state, and which, if committed within this
state, would have constituted a crime under the laws of this state; or
(c) Federal law;
(6) Cancellation, revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew the
authority to practice as a certified public accountant by any other
state for any cause other than failure to pay a fee or to meet the
requirements of CPE in the other state;
(7) Suspension or revocation of the right to practice matters
relating to public accounting before any state or federal agency;
For purposes of subsections (6) and (7) of this section, a
certified copy of such revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew
shall be prima facie evidence;
(8) Failure to maintain compliance with the requirements for
issuance, renewal, or reinstatement of a certificate or license, or to
report changes to the board;
(9) Failure to cooperate with the board by:
(a) Failure to furnish any papers or documents requested or ordered
by the board;
(b) Failure to furnish in writing a full and complete explanation
covering the matter contained in the complaint filed with the board or
the inquiry of the board;
(c) Failure to respond to subpoenas issued by the board, whether or
not the recipient of the subpoena is the accused in the proceeding;
(10) Failure by a nonlicensee owner of a licensed firm to comply
with the requirements of this chapter or board rule; and
(11) Failure to comply with an order of the board.
Sec. 4 RCW 18.04.390 and 2001 c 294 s 21 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In the absence of an express agreement between the licensee or
licensed firm and the client to the contrary, all statements, records,
schedules, working papers, and memoranda made by a licensee or licensed
firm incident to or in the course of professional service to clients,
except reports submitted by a licensee or licensed firm, are the
property of the licensee or licensed firm.
(2) No statement, record, schedule, working paper, or memorandum
may be sold, transferred, or bequeathed without the consent of the
client or his or her personal representative or assignee, to anyone
other than one or more surviving partners, shareholders, or new
partners or new shareholders of the licensee, partnership, limited
liability company, or corporation, or any combined or merged
partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, or successor in
(3) A licensee shall furnish to the board or to his or her client
or former client, upon request and reasonable notice:
(a) A copy of the licensee's working papers or electronic
documents, to the extent that such working papers or electronic
documents include records that would ordinarily constitute part of the
client's records and are not otherwise available to the client; and
(b) Any accounting or other records belonging to, or obtained from
or on behalf of, the client that the licensee removed from the client's
premises or received for the client's account; the licensee may make
and retain copies of such documents of the client when they form the
basis for work done by him or her.
(4) ((Nothing in this section shall require a licensee to keep any
work paper or electronic document beyond the period prescribed in any
other applicable statute)) (a) For a period of seven years after the
end of the fiscal period in which a licensed firm concludes an audit or
review of a client's financial statements, the licensed firm must
retain records relevant to the audit or review, as determined by board
(b) The board must adopt rules to implement this subsection,
including rules relating to working papers and document retention.
(5) Nothing in this section should be construed as prohibiting any
temporary transfer of workpapers or other material necessary in the
course of carrying out peer reviews or as otherwise interfering with
the disclosure of information pursuant to RCW 18.04.405.
Sec. 5 RCW 18.04.370 and 2001 c 294 s 19 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, shall be
guilty of a crime, as follows:
(a) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a
fine of not more than ((ten)) thirty thousand dollars, or to
imprisonment for not more than six months, or to both such fine and
(b) Notwithstanding (a) of this subsection, any person who uses a
professional title intended to deceive the public, in violation of RCW
18.04.345, having previously entered into a stipulated agreement and
order of assurance with the board, is guilty of a felony, and upon
conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of not more than ((ten))
thirty thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not more than two
years, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) With the exception of first time violations of RCW 18.04.345,
subject to subsection (3) of this section whenever the board has reason
to believe that any person is violating the provisions of this chapter
it shall certify the facts to the prosecuting attorney of the county in
which such person resides or may be apprehended and the prosecuting
attorney shall cause appropriate proceedings to be brought against such
(3) The board may elect to enter into a stipulated agreement and
orders of assurance with persons in violation of RCW 18.04.345 who have
not previously been found to have violated the provisions of this
chapter. The board may order full restitution to injured parties as a
condition of a stipulated agreement and order of assurance.
(4) Nothing herein contained shall be held to in any way affect the
power of the courts to grant injunctive or other relief as above
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 (1) By December 1, 2003, the board of
accountancy shall report to the senate committee on commerce and trade
and the house committee on commerce and labor, or successor committees,
on the issue of auditor independence.
(2) This section expires January 1, 2004.