Passed by the House April 22, 2003 Yeas 97 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 9, 2003 Yeas 49 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1509 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. CYNTHIA ZEHNDER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 12, 2003, with the
exception of section 5, which is vetoed. GARY F. LOCKE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 12, 2003 - 4:13 p.m. Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to establishing the Washington state economic development commission to replace the governor's small business improvement council; amending RCW 43.330.040; and adding a new chapter to Title 43 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that Washington's
innovation and trade-driven economy has provided tremendous
opportunities for citizens of the state, but that there is no guarantee
that globally competitive firms will continue to grow and locate in the
state. The legislature also finds that developing an effective
economic development strategy for the state and operating effective
economic development programs, including work force training, small
business assistance, technology transfer, and export assistance, are
vital to the state's efforts to encourage employment growth, increase
state revenues, and generate economic well-being. In addition, the
legislature finds that there is a need for responsive and consistent
involvement of the private sector in the state's economic development
efforts. It is the intent of the legislature to create an economic
development commission that will develop and update the state's
development strategy and performance measures and provide
advice to and oversight of the department of community, trade, and
economic development.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 (1) The Washington state economic
development commission is established to oversee the economic
development strategies and policies of the department of community,
trade, and economic development.
(2)(a) The Washington state economic development commission shall
consist of at least seven and no more than nine members appointed by
the governor.
(b) In making the appointments, the governor shall consult with
organizations that have an interest in economic development, including,
but not limited to, industry associations, labor organizations,
minority business associations, economic development councils, chambers
of commerce, port associations, tribes, and the chairs of the
legislative committees with jurisdiction over economic development.
(c) The members shall be representative of the geographic regions
of the state, including eastern and central Washington, as well as
represent the ethnic diversity of the state. Representation shall
derive primarily from the private sector, including, but not limited
to, existing and emerging industries, small businesses, women-owned
businesses, and minority-owned businesses, but other sectors of the
economy that have experience in economic development, including labor
organizations and nonprofit organizations, shall be represented as
well. A minimum of seventy-five percent of the members shall represent
the private sector. Members of the commission shall serve statewide
interests while preserving their diverse perspectives, and shall be
recognized leaders in their fields with demonstrated experience in
disciplines related to economic development.
(3) Members appointed by the governor shall serve at the pleasure
of the governor for three-year terms, except that through June 30,
2004, members currently serving on the economic development commission
created by executive order may continue to serve at the pleasure of the
governor. Of the initial members appointed to serve after June 30,
2004, two members shall serve one-year terms, three members shall serve
two-year terms, and the remainder of the commission members shall serve
three-year terms.
(4) The commission chair shall be selected from among the appointed
members by the majority vote of the members.
(5) The commission may establish committees as it desires, and may
invite nonmembers of the commission to serve as committee members.
(6) The commission may adopt rules for its own governance.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 The Washington state economic development
commission shall perform the following duties:
(1) Review and periodically update the state's economic development
strategy, including implementation steps, and performance measures, and
perform an annual evaluation of the strategy and the effectiveness of
the state's laws, policies, and programs which target economic
(2) Provide policy, strategic, and programmatic direction to the
department of community, trade, and economic development regarding
strategies to:
(a) Promote business retention, expansion, and creation within the
(b) Promote the business climate of the state and stimulate
increased national and international investment in the state;
(c) Promote products and services of the state;
(d) Enhance relationships and cooperation between local
governments, economic development councils, federal agencies, state
agencies, and the legislature;
(e) Integrate economic development programs, including work force
training, technology transfer, and export assistance; and
(f) Make the funds available for economic development purposes more
flexible to meet emergent needs and maximize opportunities;
(3) Identify policies and programs to assist Washington's small
(4) Assist the department of community, trade, and economic
development with procurement and deployment of private funds for
business development, retention, expansion, and recruitment as well as
other economic development efforts;
(5) Meet with the chairs and ranking minority members of the
legislative committees from both the house of representatives and the
senate overseeing economic development policies; and
(6) Make a biennial report to the appropriate committees of the
legislature regarding the commission's review of the state's economic
development policy, the commission's recommendations, and steps taken
by the department of community, trade, and economic development to
implement the recommendations. The first report is due by December 31,
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 (1) The Washington state economic
development commission shall receive the necessary staff support from
the staff resources of the governor, the department of community,
trade, and economic development, and other state agencies as
appropriate, and within existing resources and operations.
(2) Creation of the Washington state economic development
commission shall not be construed to modify any authority or budgetary
responsibility of the governor or the department of community, trade,
and economic development.
*Sec. 5 RCW 43.330.040 and 1993 c 280 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The director shall supervise and administer the activities of
the department and shall advise the governor and the legislature with
respect to community and economic development matters affecting the
(2) In addition to other powers and duties granted to the director,
the director shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) Work with the Washington state economic development commission
established in section 2 of this act to develop and implement economic
development policies consistent with the advice of the commission;
(b) Enter into contracts on behalf of the state to carry out the
purposes of this chapter;
(((b))) (c) Act for the state in the initiation of or participation
in any multigovernmental program relative to the purpose of this
(((c))) (d) Accept and expend gifts and grants, whether such grants
be of federal or other funds;
(((d))) (e) Appoint such deputy directors, assistant directors, and
up to seven special assistants as may be needed to administer the
department. These employees are exempt from the provisions of chapter
41.06 RCW;
(((e))) (f) Prepare and submit budgets for the department for
executive and legislative action;
(((f))) (g) Submit recommendations for legislative actions as are
deemed necessary to further the purposes of this chapter;
(((g))) (h) Adopt rules in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW and
perform all other functions necessary and proper to carry out the
purposes of this chapter;
(((h))) (i) Delegate powers, duties, and functions as the director
deems necessary for efficient administration, but the director shall be
responsible for the official acts of the officers and employees of the
department; and
(((i))) (j) Perform other duties as are necessary and consistent
with law.
(3) When federal or other funds are received by the department,
they shall be promptly transferred to the state treasurer and
thereafter expended only upon the approval of the director.
(4) The director may request information and assistance from all
other agencies, departments, and officials of the state, and may
reimburse such agencies, departments, or officials if such a request
imposes any additional expenses upon any such agency, department, or
(5) The director shall, in carrying out the responsibilities of
office, consult with governmental officials, private groups, and
individuals and with officials of other states. All state agencies and
their officials and the officials of any political subdivision of the
state shall cooperate with and give such assistance to the department,
including the submission of requested information, to allow the
department to carry out its purposes under this chapter.
(6) The director may establish additional advisory or coordinating
groups with the legislature, within state government, with state and
other governmental units, with the private sector and nonprofit
entities or in specialized subject areas as may be necessary to carry
out the purposes of this chapter.
(7) The internal affairs of the department shall be under the
control of the director in order that the director may manage the
department in a flexible and intelligent manner as dictated by changing
contemporary circumstances. Unless specifically limited by law, the
director shall have complete charge and supervisory powers over the
department. The director may create such administrative structures as
the director deems appropriate, except as otherwise specified by law,
and the director may employ such personnel as may be necessary in
accordance with chapter 41.06 RCW, except as otherwise provided by law.
*Sec. 5 was vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 Sections 1 through 4 of this act constitute
a new chapter in Title