Passed by the House February 12, 2004 Yeas 95 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 4, 2004 Yeas 44 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1691 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. RICHARD NAFZIGER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 22, 2004. GARY F. LOCKE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 22, 2004 - 5:11 p.m. Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2004 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to authorizing advanced registered nurse practitioners to examine, diagnose, and treat injured workers covered by industrial insurance; amending RCW 51.04.030, 51.04.050, 51.28.010, 51.28.020, 51.28.025, 51.28.030, 51.28.055, 51.32.055, 51.32.095, 51.36.010, 51.36.060, 51.36.110, 51.48.060, and 51.52.010; reenacting and amending RCW 51.32.090; adding a new section to chapter 51.36 RCW; creating a new section; providing an effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1 RCW 51.04.030 and 1998 c 230 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The director shall supervise the providing of prompt and
efficient care and treatment, including care provided by physician
assistants governed by the provisions of chapters 18.57A and 18.71A
RCW, acting under a supervising physician, ((and)) including
chiropractic care, and including care provided by licensed advanced
registered nurse practitioners, to workers injured during the course of
their employment at the least cost consistent with promptness and
efficiency, without discrimination or favoritism, and with as great
uniformity as the various and diverse surrounding circumstances and
locations of industries will permit and to that end shall, from time to
time, establish and adopt and supervise the administration of printed
forms, rules, regulations, and practices for the furnishing of such
care and treatment: PROVIDED, That the medical coverage decisions of
the department do not constitute a "rule" as used in RCW 34.05.010(16),
nor are such decisions subject to the rule-making provisions of chapter
34.05 RCW except that criteria for establishing medical coverage
decisions shall be adopted by rule after consultation with the workers'
compensation advisory committee established in RCW 51.04.110: PROVIDED
FURTHER, That the department may recommend to an injured worker
particular health care services and providers where specialized
treatment is indicated or where cost effective payment levels or rates
are obtained by the department: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That the
department may enter into contracts for goods and services including,
but not limited to, durable medical equipment so long as statewide
access to quality service is maintained for injured workers.
(2) The director shall, in consultation with interested persons,
establish and, in his or her discretion, periodically change as may be
necessary, and make available a fee schedule of the maximum charges to
be made by any physician, surgeon, chiropractor, hospital, druggist,
licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner, physicians' assistants
as defined in chapters 18.57A and 18.71A RCW, acting under a
supervising physician or other agency or person rendering services to
injured workers. The department shall coordinate with other state
purchasers of health care services to establish as much consistency and
uniformity in billing and coding practices as possible, taking into
account the unique requirements and differences between programs. No
service covered under this title, including services provided to
injured workers, whether aliens or other injured workers, who are not
residing in the United States at the time of receiving the services,
shall be charged or paid at a rate or rates exceeding those specified
in such fee schedule, and no contract providing for greater fees shall
be valid as to the excess. The establishment of such a schedule,
exclusive of conversion factors, does not constitute "agency action" as
used in RCW 34.05.010(3), nor does such a fee schedule constitute a
"rule" as used in RCW 34.05.010(16).
(3) The director or self-insurer, as the case may be, shall make a
record of the commencement of every disability and the termination
thereof and, when bills are rendered for the care and treatment of
injured workers, shall approve and pay those which conform to the
adopted rules, regulations, established fee schedules, and practices of
the director and may reject any bill or item thereof incurred in
violation of the principles laid down in this section or the rules,
regulations, or the established fee schedules and rules and regulations
adopted under it.
Sec. 2 RCW 51.04.050 and 1961 c 23 s 51.04.050 are each amended
to read as follows:
In all hearings, actions or proceedings before the department or
the board of industrial insurance appeals, or before any court on
appeal from the board, any physician or licensed advanced registered
nurse practitioner having theretofore examined or treated the claimant
may be required to testify fully regarding such examination or
treatment, and shall not be exempt from so testifying by reason of the
relation of the physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner to patient.
Sec. 3 RCW 51.28.010 and 2001 c 231 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Whenever any accident occurs to any worker it shall be the duty
of such worker or someone in his or her behalf to forthwith report such
accident to his or her employer, superintendent, or supervisor in
charge of the work, and of the employer to at once report such accident
and the injury resulting therefrom to the department pursuant to RCW
51.28.025 where the worker has received treatment from a physician or
a licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner, has been
hospitalized, disabled from work, or has died as the apparent result of
such accident and injury.
(2) Upon receipt of such notice of accident, the department shall
immediately forward to the worker or his or her beneficiaries or
dependents notification, in nontechnical language, of their rights
under this title. The notice must specify the worker's right to
receive health services from a physician or a licensed advanced
registered nurse practitioner of the worker's choice under RCW
51.36.010, including chiropractic services under RCW 51.36.015, and
must list the types of providers authorized to provide these services.
Sec. 4 RCW 51.28.020 and 2001 c 231 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) Where a worker is entitled to compensation under this title
he or she shall file with the department or his or her self-insured
employer, as the case may be, his or her application for such, together
with the certificate of the physician or licensed advanced registered
nurse practitioner who attended him or her. An application form
developed by the department shall include a notice specifying the
worker's right to receive health services from a physician or licensed
advanced registered nurse practitioner of the worker's choice under RCW
51.36.010, including chiropractic services under RCW 51.36.015, and
listing the types of providers authorized to provide these services.
(b) The physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner who attended the injured worker shall inform the injured
worker of his or her rights under this title and lend all necessary
assistance in making this application for compensation and such proof
of other matters as required by the rules of the department without
charge to the worker. The department shall provide physicians with a
manual which outlines the procedures to be followed in applications for
compensation involving occupational diseases, and which describes
claimants' rights and responsibilities related to occupational disease
(2) If application for compensation is made to a self-insured
employer, he or she shall forthwith send a copy of the application to
the department.
Sec. 5 RCW 51.28.025 and 1987 c 185 s 32 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Whenever an employer has notice or knowledge of an injury or
occupational disease sustained by any worker in his or her employment
who has received treatment from a physician or a licensed advanced
registered nurse practitioner, has been hospitalized, disabled from
work or has died as the apparent result of such injury or occupational
disease, the employer shall immediately report the same to the
department on forms prescribed by it. The report shall include:
(a) The name, address, and business of the employer;
(b) The name, address, and occupation of the worker;
(c) The date, time, cause, and nature of the injury or occupational
(d) Whether the injury or occupational disease arose in the course
of the injured worker's employment;
(e) All available information pertaining to the nature of the
injury or occupational disease including but not limited to any visible
signs, any complaints of the worker, any time lost from work, and the
observable effect on the worker's bodily functions, so far as is known;
(f) Such other pertinent information as the department may
prescribe by regulation.
(2) Failure or refusal to file the report required by subsection
(1) shall subject the offending employer to a penalty determined by the
director but not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each offense,
to be collected in a civil action in the name of the department and
paid into the supplemental pension fund.
Sec. 6 RCW 51.28.030 and 1972 ex.s. c 43 s 17 are each amended to
read as follows:
Where death results from injury the parties entitled to
compensation under this title, or someone in their behalf, shall make
application for the same to the department or self-insurer as the case
may be, which application must be accompanied with proof of death and
proof of relationship showing the parties to be entitled to
compensation under this title, certificates of attending physician or
licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner, if any, and such proof
as required by the rules of the department.
Upon receipt of notice of accident under RCW 51.28.010, the
director shall immediately forward to the party or parties required to
make application for compensation under this section, notification, in
nontechnical language, of their rights under this title.
Sec. 7 RCW 51.28.055 and 2003 2nd sp.s. c 2 s 1 are each amended
to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section for claims
filed for occupational hearing loss, claims for occupational disease or
infection to be valid and compensable must be filed within two years
following the date the worker had written notice from a physician or a
licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner: (a) Of the existence
of his or her occupational disease, and (b) that a claim for disability
benefits may be filed. The notice shall also contain a statement that
the worker has two years from the date of the notice to file a claim.
The physician or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner shall
file the notice with the department. The department shall send a copy
to the worker and to the self-insurer if the worker's employer is self-insured. However, a claim is valid if it is filed within two years
from the date of death of the worker suffering from an occupational
(2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, to be valid
and compensable, claims for hearing loss due to occupational noise
exposure must be filed within two years of the date of the worker's
last injurious exposure to occupational noise in employment covered
under this title or within one year of September 10, 2003, whichever is
(b) A claim for hearing loss due to occupational noise exposure
that is not timely filed under (a) of this subsection can only be
allowed for medical aid benefits under chapter 51.36 RCW.
(3) The department may adopt rules to implement this section.
Sec. 8 RCW 51.32.055 and 1997 c 416 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) One purpose of this title is to restore the injured worker as
nearly as possible to the condition of self-support as an able-bodied
worker. Benefits for permanent disability shall be determined under
the director's supervision, except as otherwise authorized in
subsection (9) of this section, only after the injured worker's
condition becomes fixed.
(2) All determinations of permanent disabilities shall be made by
the department, except as otherwise authorized in subsection (9) of
this section. Either the worker, employer, or self-insurer may make a
request or the inquiry may be initiated by the director or, as
authorized in subsection (9) of this section, by the self-insurer on
director or the self-insurer's own motion. Determinations shall be
required in every instance where permanent disability is likely to be
present. All medical reports and other pertinent information in the
possession of or under the control of the employer or, if the self-insurer has made a request to the department, in the possession of or
under the control of the self-insurer shall be forwarded to the
director with the request.
(3) A request for determination of permanent disability shall be
examined by the department or, if authorized in subsection (9) of this
section, the self-insurer, and the department shall issue an order in
accordance with RCW 51.52.050 or, in the case of a self-insured
employer, the self-insurer may: (a) Enter a written order,
communicated to the worker and the department self-insurance section in
accordance with subsection (9) of this section, or (b) request the
department to issue an order in accordance with RCW 51.52.050.
(4) The department or, in cases authorized in subsection (9) of
this section, the self-insurer may require that the worker present
himself or herself for a special medical examination by a physician or
physicians selected by the department, and the department or, in cases
authorized in subsection (9) of this section, the self-insurer may
require that the worker present himself or herself for a personal
interview. The costs of the examination or interview, including
payment of any reasonable travel expenses, shall be paid by the
department or self-insurer, as the case may be.
(5) The director may establish a medical bureau within the
department to perform medical examinations under this section.
Physicians hired or retained for this purpose shall be grounded in
industrial medicine and in the assessment of industrial physical
impairment. Self-insurers shall bear a proportionate share of the cost
of the medical bureau in a manner to be determined by the department.
(6) Where a dispute arises from the handling of any claim before
the condition of the injured worker becomes fixed, the worker,
employer, or self-insurer may request the department to resolve the
dispute or the director may initiate an inquiry on his or her own
motion. In these cases, the department shall proceed as provided in
this section and an order shall issue in accordance with RCW 51.52.050.
(7)(a) If a claim (i) is accepted by a self-insurer after June 30,
1986, and before August 1, 1997, (ii) involves only medical treatment
and the payment of temporary disability compensation under RCW
51.32.090 or only the payment of temporary disability compensation
under RCW 51.32.090, (iii) at the time medical treatment is concluded
does not involve permanent disability, (iv) is one with respect to
which the department has not intervened under subsection (6) of this
section, and (v) the injured worker has returned to work with the self-insured employer of record, whether at the worker's previous job or at
a job that has comparable wages and benefits, the claim may be closed
by the self-insurer, subject to reporting of claims to the department
in a manner prescribed by department rules adopted under chapter 34.05
(b) All determinations of permanent disability for claims accepted
under this subsection (7) by self-insurers shall be made by the self-insured section of the department under subsections (1) through (4) of
this section.
(c) Upon closure of a claim under (a) of this subsection, the self-insurer shall enter a written order, communicated to the worker and the
department self-insurance section, which contains the following
statement clearly set forth in bold face type: "This order constitutes
notification that your claim is being closed with medical benefits and
temporary disability compensation only as provided, and with the
condition you have returned to work with the self-insured employer. If
for any reason you disagree with the conditions or duration of your
return to work or the medical benefits or the temporary disability
compensation that has been provided, you must protest in writing to the
department of labor and industries, self-insurance section, within
sixty days of the date you received this order."
(8)(a) If a claim (i) is accepted by a self-insurer after June 30,
1990, and before August 1, 1997, (ii) involves only medical treatment,
(iii) does not involve payment of temporary disability compensation
under RCW 51.32.090, and (iv) at the time medical treatment is
concluded does not involve permanent disability, the claim may be
closed by the self-insurer, subject to reporting of claims to the
department in a manner prescribed by department rules adopted under
chapter 34.05 RCW. Upon closure of a claim, the self-insurer shall
enter a written order, communicated to the worker, which contains the
following statement clearly set forth in bold-face type: "This order
constitutes notification that your claim is being closed with medical
benefits only, as provided. If for any reason you disagree with this
closure, you must protest in writing to the Department of Labor and
Industries, Olympia, within 60 days of the date you received this
order. The department will then review your claim and enter a further
determinative order."
(b) All determinations of permanent disability for claims accepted
under this subsection (8) by self-insurers shall be made by the self-insured section of the department under subsections (1) through (4) of
this section.
(9)(a) If a claim: (i) Is accepted by a self-insurer after July
31, 1997; (ii)(A) involves only medical treatment, or medical treatment
and the payment of temporary disability compensation under RCW
51.32.090, and a determination of permanent partial disability, if
applicable, has been made by the self-insurer as authorized in this
subsection; or (B) involves only the payment of temporary disability
compensation under RCW 51.32.090 and a determination of permanent
partial disability, if applicable, has been made by the self-insurer as
authorized in this subsection; (iii) is one with respect to which the
department has not intervened under subsection (6) of this section; and
(iv) concerns an injured worker who has returned to work with the self-insured employer of record, whether at the worker's previous job or at
a job that has comparable wages and benefits, the claim may be closed
by the self-insurer, subject to reporting of claims to the department
in a manner prescribed by department rules adopted under chapter 34.05
(b) If a physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner submits a report to the self-insurer that concludes that
the worker's condition is fixed and stable and supports payment of a
permanent partial disability award, and if within fourteen days from
the date the self-insurer mailed the report to the attending or
treating physician or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner,
the worker's attending or treating physician or licensed advanced
registered nurse practitioner disagrees in writing that the worker's
condition is fixed and stable, the self-insurer must get a supplemental
medical opinion from a provider on the department's approved examiner's
list before closing the claim. In the alternative, the self-insurer
may forward the claim to the department, which must review the claim
and enter a final order as provided for in RCW 51.52.050.
(c) Upon closure of a claim under this subsection (9), the self-insurer shall enter a written order, communicated to the worker and the
department self-insurance section, which contains the following
statement clearly set forth in bold-face type: "This order constitutes
notification that your claim is being closed with such medical benefits
and temporary disability compensation as provided to date and with such
award for permanent partial disability, if any, as set forth below, and
with the condition that you have returned to work with the self-insured
employer. If for any reason you disagree with the conditions or
duration of your return to work or the medical benefits, temporary
disability compensation provided, or permanent partial disability that
has been awarded, you must protest in writing to the Department of
Labor and Industries, Self-Insurance Section, within sixty days of the
date you received this order. If you do not protest this order to the
department, this order will become final."
(d) All determinations of permanent partial disability for claims
accepted by self-insurers under this subsection (9) may be made by the
self-insurer or the self-insurer may request a determination by the
self-insured section of the department. All determinations shall be
made under subsections (1) through (4) of this section.
(10) If the department receives a protest of an order issued by a
self-insurer under subsections (7) through (9) of this section, the
self-insurer's closure order must be held in abeyance. The department
shall review the claim closure action and enter a further determinative
order as provided for in RCW 51.52.050. If no protest is timely filed,
the closing order issued by the self-insurer shall become final and
shall have the same force and effect as a department order that has
become final under RCW 51.52.050.
(11) If within two years of claim closure under subsections (7)
through (9) of this section, the department determines that the self-insurer has made payment of benefits because of clerical error, mistake
of identity, or innocent misrepresentation or the department discovers
a violation of the conditions of claim closure, the department may
require the self-insurer to correct the benefits paid or payable. This
subsection (11) does not limit in any way the application of RCW
(12) For the purposes of this section, "comparable wages and
benefits" means wages and benefits that are at least ninety-five
percent of the wages and benefits received by the worker at the time of
Sec. 9 RCW 51.32.090 and 1993 c 521 s 3, 1993 c 299 s 1, and 1993
c 271 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) When the total disability is only temporary, the schedule of
payments contained in RCW 51.32.060 (1) and (2) shall apply, so long as
the total disability continues.
(2) Any compensation payable under this section for children not in
the custody of the injured worker as of the date of injury shall be
payable only to such person as actually is providing the support for
such child or children pursuant to the order of a court of record
providing for support of such child or children.
(3)(a) As soon as recovery is so complete that the present earning
power of the worker, at any kind of work, is restored to that existing
at the time of the occurrence of the injury, the payments shall cease.
If and so long as the present earning power is only partially restored,
the payments shall:
(i) For claims for injuries that occurred before May 7, 1993,
continue in the proportion which the new earning power shall bear to
the old; or
(ii) For claims for injuries occurring on or after May 7, 1993,
equal eighty percent of the actual difference between the worker's
present wages and earning power at the time of injury, but: (A) The
total of these payments and the worker's present wages may not exceed
one hundred fifty percent of the average monthly wage in the state as
computed under RCW 51.08.018; (B) the payments may not exceed one
hundred percent of the entitlement as computed under subsection (1) of
this section; and (C) the payments may not be less than the worker
would have received if (a)(i) of this subsection had been applicable to
the worker's claim.
(b) No compensation shall be payable under this subsection (3)
unless the loss of earning power shall exceed five percent.
(4)(a) Whenever the employer of injury requests that a worker who
is entitled to temporary total disability under this chapter be
certified by a physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner as able to perform available work other than his or her
usual work, the employer shall furnish to the physician or licensed
advanced registered nurse practitioner, with a copy to the worker, a
statement describing the work available with the employer of injury in
terms that will enable the physician or licensed advanced registered
nurse practitioner to relate the physical activities of the job to the
worker's disability. The physician or licensed advanced registered
nurse practitioner shall then determine whether the worker is
physically able to perform the work described. The worker's temporary
total disability payments shall continue until the worker is released
by his or her physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner for the work, and begins the work with the employer of
injury. If the work thereafter comes to an end before the worker's
recovery is sufficient in the judgment of his or her physician or
licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner to permit him or her to
return to his or her usual job, or to perform other available work
offered by the employer of injury, the worker's temporary total
disability payments shall be resumed. Should the available work
described, once undertaken by the worker, impede his or her recovery to
the extent that in the judgment of his or her physician or licensed
advanced registered nurse practitioner he or she should not continue to
work, the worker's temporary total disability payments shall be resumed
when the worker ceases such work.
(b) Once the worker returns to work under the terms of this
subsection (4), he or she shall not be assigned by the employer to work
other than the available work described without the worker's written
consent, or without prior review and approval by the worker's physician
or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner.
(c) If the worker returns to work under this subsection (4), any
employee health and welfare benefits that the worker was receiving at
the time of injury shall continue or be resumed at the level provided
at the time of injury. Such benefits shall not be continued or resumed
if to do so is inconsistent with the terms of the benefit program, or
with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement currently in
(d) In the event of any dispute as to the worker's ability to
perform the available work offered by the employer, the department
shall make the final determination.
(5) No worker shall receive compensation for or during the day on
which injury was received or the three days following the same, unless
his or her disability shall continue for a period of fourteen
consecutive calendar days from date of injury: PROVIDED, That attempts
to return to work in the first fourteen days following the injury shall
not serve to break the continuity of the period of disability if the
disability continues fourteen days after the injury occurs.
(6) Should a worker suffer a temporary total disability and should
his or her employer at the time of the injury continue to pay him or
her the wages which he or she was earning at the time of such injury,
such injured worker shall not receive any payment provided in
subsection (1) of this section during the period his or her employer
shall so pay such wages.
(7) In no event shall the monthly payments provided in this section
exceed the applicable percentage of the average monthly wage in the
state as computed under the provisions of RCW 51.08.018 as follows:
June 30, 1993 | 105% |
June 30, 1994 | 110% |
June 30, 1995 | 115% |
June 30, 1996 | 120% |
Sec. 10 RCW 51.32.095 and 1999 c 110 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) One of the primary purposes of this title is to enable the
injured worker to become employable at gainful employment. To this
end, the department or self-insurers shall utilize the services of
individuals and organizations, public or private, whose experience,
training, and interests in vocational rehabilitation and retraining
qualify them to lend expert assistance to the supervisor of industrial
insurance in such programs of vocational rehabilitation as may be
reasonable to make the worker employable consistent with his or her
physical and mental status. Where, after evaluation and recommendation
by such individuals or organizations and prior to final evaluation of
the worker's permanent disability and in the sole opinion of the
supervisor or supervisor's designee, whether or not medical treatment
has been concluded, vocational rehabilitation is both necessary and
likely to enable the injured worker to become employable at gainful
employment, the supervisor or supervisor's designee may, in his or her
sole discretion, pay or, if the employer is a self-insurer, direct the
self-insurer to pay the cost as provided in subsection (3) of this
(2) When in the sole discretion of the supervisor or the
supervisor's designee vocational rehabilitation is both necessary and
likely to make the worker employable at gainful employment, then the
following order of priorities shall be used:
(a) Return to the previous job with the same employer;
(b) Modification of the previous job with the same employer
including transitional return to work;
(c) A new job with the same employer in keeping with any
limitations or restrictions;
(d) Modification of a new job with the same employer including
transitional return to work;
(e) Modification of the previous job with a new employer;
(f) A new job with a new employer or self-employment based upon
transferable skills;
(g) Modification of a new job with a new employer;
(h) A new job with a new employer or self-employment involving on-the-job training;
(i) Short-term retraining and job placement.
(3)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, costs for
vocational rehabilitation benefits allowed by the supervisor or
supervisor's designee under subsection (1) of this section may include
the cost of books, tuition, fees, supplies, equipment, transportation,
child or dependent care, and other necessary expenses for any such
worker in an amount not to exceed three thousand dollars in any fifty-two week period except as authorized by RCW 51.60.060, and the cost of
continuing the temporary total disability compensation under RCW
51.32.090 while the worker is actively and successfully undergoing a
formal program of vocational rehabilitation.
(b) Beginning with vocational rehabilitation plans approved on or
after July 1, 1999, costs for vocational rehabilitation benefits
allowed by the supervisor or supervisor's designee under subsection (1)
of this section may include the cost of books, tuition, fees, supplies,
equipment, child or dependent care, and other necessary expenses for
any such worker in an amount not to exceed four thousand dollars in any
fifty-two week period except as authorized by RCW 51.60.060, and the
cost of transportation and continuing the temporary total disability
compensation under RCW 51.32.090 while the worker is actively and
successfully undergoing a formal program of vocational rehabilitation.
(c) The expenses allowed under (a) or (b) of this subsection may
include training fees for on-the-job training and the cost of
furnishing tools and other equipment necessary for self-employment or
reemployment. However, compensation or payment of retraining with job
placement expenses under (a) or (b) of this subsection may not be
authorized for a period of more than fifty-two weeks, except that such
period may, in the sole discretion of the supervisor after his or her
review, be extended for an additional fifty-two weeks or portion
thereof by written order of the supervisor.
(d) In cases where the worker is required to reside away from his
or her customary residence, the reasonable cost of board and lodging
shall also be paid.
(e) Costs paid under this subsection shall be chargeable to the
employer's cost experience or shall be paid by the self-insurer as the
case may be.
(4) In addition to the vocational rehabilitation expenditures
provided for under subsection (3) of this section, an additional five
thousand dollars may, upon authorization of the supervisor or the
supervisor's designee, be expended for: (a) Accommodations for an
injured worker that are medically necessary for the worker to
participate in an approved retraining plan; and (b) accommodations
necessary to perform the essential functions of an occupation in which
an injured worker is seeking employment, consistent with the retraining
plan or the recommendations of a vocational evaluation. The injured
worker's attending physician or licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioner must verify the necessity of the modifications or
accommodations. The total expenditures authorized in this subsection
and the expenditures authorized under RCW 51.32.250 shall not exceed
five thousand dollars.
(5) The department shall establish criteria to monitor the quality
and effectiveness of rehabilitation services provided by the
individuals and organizations used under subsection (1) of this
section. The state fund shall make referrals for vocational
rehabilitation services based on these performance criteria.
(6) The department shall engage in, where feasible and cost-effective, a cooperative program with the state employment security
department to provide job placement services under this section.
(7) The benefits in this section shall be provided for the injured
workers of self-insured employers. Self-insurers shall report both
benefits provided and benefits denied under this section in the manner
prescribed by the department by rule adopted under chapter 34.05 RCW.
The director may, in his or her sole discretion and upon his or her own
initiative or at any time that a dispute arises under this section,
promptly make such inquiries as circumstances require and take such
other action as he or she considers will properly determine the matter
and protect the rights of the parties.
(8) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the benefits
provided for in this section are available to any otherwise eligible
worker regardless of the date of industrial injury. However, claims
shall not be reopened solely for vocational rehabilitation purposes.
Sec. 11 RCW 51.36.010 and 1986 c 58 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
Upon the occurrence of any injury to a worker entitled to
compensation under the provisions of this title, he or she shall
receive proper and necessary medical and surgical services at the hands
of a physician or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner of
his or her own choice, if conveniently located, and proper and
necessary hospital care and services during the period of his or her
disability from such injury, but the same shall be limited in point of
duration as follows:
In the case of permanent partial disability, not to extend beyond
the date when compensation shall be awarded him or her, except when the
worker returned to work before permanent partial disability award is
made, in such case not to extend beyond the time when monthly
allowances to him or her shall cease; in case of temporary disability
not to extend beyond the time when monthly allowances to him or her
shall cease: PROVIDED, That after any injured worker has returned to
his or her work his or her medical and surgical treatment may be
continued if, and so long as, such continuation is deemed necessary by
the supervisor of industrial insurance to be necessary to his or her
more complete recovery; in case of a permanent total disability not to
extend beyond the date on which a lump sum settlement is made with him
or her or he or she is placed upon the permanent pension roll:
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the supervisor of industrial insurance, solely
in his or her discretion, may authorize continued medical and surgical
treatment for conditions previously accepted by the department when
such medical and surgical treatment is deemed necessary by the
supervisor of industrial insurance to protect such worker's life or
provide for the administration of medical and therapeutic measures
including payment of prescription medications, but not including those
controlled substances currently scheduled by the state board of
pharmacy as Schedule I, II, III, or IV substances under chapter 69.50
RCW, which are necessary to alleviate continuing pain which results
from the industrial injury. In order to authorize such continued
treatment the written order of the supervisor of industrial insurance
issued in advance of the continuation shall be necessary.
The supervisor of industrial insurance, the supervisor's designee,
or a self-insurer, in his or her sole discretion, may authorize
inoculation or other immunological treatment in cases in which a work-related activity has resulted in probable exposure of the worker to a
potential infectious occupational disease. Authorization of such
treatment does not bind the department or self-insurer in any
adjudication of a claim by the same worker or the worker's beneficiary
for an occupational disease.
Sec. 12 RCW 51.36.060 and 1991 c 89 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
Physicians or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioners
examining or attending injured workers under this title shall comply
with rules and regulations adopted by the director, and shall make such
reports as may be requested by the department or self-insurer upon the
condition or treatment of any such worker, or upon any other matters
concerning such workers in their care. Except under RCW 49.17.210 and
49.17.250, all medical information in the possession or control of any
person and relevant to the particular injury in the opinion of the
department pertaining to any worker whose injury or occupational
disease is the basis of a claim under this title shall be made
available at any stage of the proceedings to the employer, the
claimant's representative, and the department upon request, and no
person shall incur any legal liability by reason of releasing such
Sec. 13 RCW 51.36.110 and 1994 c 154 s 312 are each amended to
read as follows:
The director of the department of labor and industries or the
director's authorized representative shall have the authority to:
(1) Conduct audits and investigations of providers of medical,
chiropractic, dental, vocational, and other health services furnished
to industrially injured workers pursuant to Title 51 RCW. In the
conduct of such audits or investigations, the director or the
director's authorized representatives may examine all records, or
portions thereof, including patient records, for which services were
rendered by a health services provider and reimbursed by the
department, notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute which
may make or purport to make such records privileged or confidential:
PROVIDED, That no original patient records shall be removed from the
premises of the health services provider, and that the disclosure of
any records or information obtained under authority of this section by
the department of labor and industries is prohibited and constitutes a
violation of RCW 42.52.050, unless such disclosure is directly
connected to the official duties of the department: AND PROVIDED
FURTHER, That the disclosure of patient information as required under
this section shall not subject any physician, licensed advanced
registered nurse practitioner, or other health services provider to any
liability for breach of any confidential relationships between the
provider and the patient: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That the director or
the director's authorized representative shall destroy all copies of
patient medical records in their possession upon completion of the
audit, investigation, or proceedings;
(2) Approve or deny applications to participate as a provider of
services furnished to industrially injured workers pursuant to Title 51
RCW; and
(3) Terminate or suspend eligibility to participate as a provider
of services furnished to industrially injured workers pursuant to Title
51 RCW.
Sec. 14 RCW 51.48.060 and 1985 c 347 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any physician or licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner
who fails, neglects or refuses to file a report with the director, as
required by this title, within five days of the date of treatment,
showing the condition of the injured worker at the time of treatment,
a description of the treatment given, and an estimate of the probable
duration of the injury, or who fails or refuses to render all necessary
assistance to the injured worker, as required by this title, shall be
subject to a civil penalty determined by the director but not to exceed
two hundred fifty dollars.
Sec. 15 RCW 51.52.010 and 2003 c 224 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
There shall be a "board of industrial insurance appeals,"
hereinafter called the "board," consisting of three members appointed
by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, as
hereinafter provided. One shall be a representative of the public and
a lawyer, appointed from a mutually agreed to list of not less than
three active or judicial members of the Washington state bar
association, submitted to the governor by the two organizations defined
below, and such member shall be the chairperson of said board. The
second member shall be a representative of the majority of workers
engaged in employment under this title and selected from a list of not
less than three names submitted to the governor by an organization,
statewide in scope, which through its affiliates embraces a cross
section and a majority of the organized labor of the state. The third
member shall be a representative of employers under this title, and
appointed from a list of at least three names submitted to the governor
by a recognized statewide organization of employers, representing a
majority of employers. The initial terms of office of the members of
the board shall be for six, four, and two years respectively.
Thereafter all terms shall be for a period of six years. Each member
of the board shall be eligible for reappointment and shall hold office
until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. In the event of
a vacancy the governor is authorized to appoint a successor to fill the
unexpired term of his or her predecessor. All appointments to the
board shall be made in conformity with the foregoing plan. In the
event a board member becomes incapacitated in excess of thirty days
either due to his or her illness or that of an immediate family member
as determined by a request for family leave or as certified by the
affected member's treating physician or licensed advanced registered
nurse practitioner, the governor shall appoint an acting member to
serve pro tem. Such an appointment shall be made in conformity with
the foregoing plan, except that the list of candidates shall be
submitted to the governor not more than fifteen days after the affected
organizations are notified of the incapacity and the governor shall
make the appointment within fifteen days after the list is submitted.
The temporary member shall serve until such time as the affected member
is able to reassume his or her duties by returning from requested
family leave or as determined by the treating physician or licensed
advanced registered nurse practitioner or until the affected member's
term expires, whichever occurs first. Whenever the workload of the
board and its orderly and expeditious disposition shall necessitate,
the governor may appoint two additional pro-tem members in addition to
the regular members. Such appointments shall be for a definite period
of time, and shall be made from lists submitted respectively by labor
and industry as in the case of regular members. One pro-tem member
shall be a representative of labor and one shall be a representative of
industry. Members shall devote their entire time to the duties of the
board and shall receive for their services a salary as fixed by the
governor in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.03.040 which shall
be in addition to travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and
43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended. Headquarters for the
board shall be located in Olympia. The board shall adopt a seal which
shall be judicially recognized.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16 A new section is added to chapter 51.36 RCW
to read as follows:
Licensed advanced registered nurse practitioners are recognized as
independent practitioners and, subject to the provisions of this title,
the health services available to an injured worker under RCW 51.36.010
include health services provided by licensed advanced registered nurse
practitioners within their scope of practice.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17 By December 1, 2006, the department of
labor and industries shall report to the senate committee on commerce
and trade and the house committee on commerce and labor, or successor
committees, on the implementation of this act, including but not
limited to the effects of this act on injured worker outcomes, claim
costs, and disputed claims.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 18 This act takes effect July 1, 2004.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 19 This act expires June 30, 2007.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 20 If any provision of this act or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other
persons or circumstances is not affected.