Passed by the House April 26, 2003 Yeas 65 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 16, 2003 Yeas 42 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Cynthia Zehnder, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2215 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. CYNTHIA ZEHNDER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 20, 2003. GARY F. LOCKE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 20, 2003 - 2:41 p.m. Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to vehicle dealer documentary service fees; amending RCW 63.14.010 and 63.14.130; reenacting and amending RCW 46.70.180; and providing contingent effect.
Sec. 1 RCW 46.70.180 and 2001 c 272 s 10 and 2001 c 64 s 9 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
Each of the following acts or practices is unlawful:
(1) To cause or permit to be advertised, printed, displayed,
published, distributed, broadcasted, televised, or disseminated in any
manner whatsoever, any statement or representation with regard to the
sale, lease, or financing of a vehicle which is false, deceptive, or
misleading, including but not limited to the following:
(a) That no down payment is required in connection with the sale of
a vehicle when a down payment is in fact required, or that a vehicle
may be purchased for a smaller down payment than is actually required;
(b) That a certain percentage of the sale price of a vehicle may be
financed when such financing is not offered in a single document
evidencing the entire security transaction;
(c) That a certain percentage is the amount of the service charge
to be charged for financing, without stating whether this percentage
charge is a monthly amount or an amount to be charged per year;
(d) That a new vehicle will be sold for a certain amount above or
below cost without computing cost as the exact amount of the factory
invoice on the specific vehicle to be sold;
(e) That a vehicle will be sold upon a monthly payment of a certain
amount, without including in the statement the number of payments of
that same amount which are required to liquidate the unpaid purchase
(2)(a) To incorporate within the terms of any purchase and sale or
lease agreement any statement or representation with regard to the
sale, lease, or financing of a vehicle which is false, deceptive, or
misleading, including but not limited to terms that include as an added
cost to the selling price or capitalized cost of a vehicle an amount
for licensing or transfer of title of that vehicle which is not
actually due to the state, unless such amount has in fact been paid by
the dealer prior to such sale. However, an amount not to exceed
thirty-five dollars per vehicle sale or lease may be charged by a
dealer to recover administrative costs for collecting motor vehicle
excise taxes, licensing and registration fees and other agency fees,
verifying and clearing titles, transferring titles, perfecting,
releasing, or satisfying liens or other security interests, and other
administrative and documentary services rendered by a dealer in
connection with the sale or lease of a vehicle and in carrying out the
requirements of this chapter or any other provisions of state law.
(b) A dealer may charge the documentary service fee in (a) of this
subsection under the following conditions:
(i) The documentary service fee is disclosed in writing to a
prospective purchaser or lessee before the execution of a purchase and
sale or lease agreement;
(ii) The documentary service fee is not represented to the
purchaser or lessee as a fee or charge required by the state to be paid
by either the dealer or prospective purchaser or lessee;
(iii) The documentary service fee is separately designated from the
selling price or capitalized cost of the vehicle and from any other
taxes, fees, or charges; and
(iv) Dealers disclose in any advertisement that a documentary
service fee in an amount up to thirty-five dollars may be added to the
sale price or the capitalized cost.
For the purposes of this subsection (2), the term "documentary
service fee" means the optional amount charged by a dealer to provide
the services specified in (a) of this subsection.
(3) To set up, promote, or aid in the promotion of a plan by which
vehicles are to be sold or leased to a person for a consideration and
upon further consideration that the purchaser or lessee agrees to
secure one or more persons to participate in the plan by respectively
making a similar purchase and in turn agreeing to secure one or more
persons likewise to join in said plan, each purchaser or lessee being
given the right to secure money, credits, goods, or something of value,
depending upon the number of persons joining the plan.
(4) To commit, allow, or ratify any act of "bushing" which is
defined as follows: Taking from a prospective buyer or lessee of a
vehicle a written order or offer to purchase or lease, or a contract
document signed by the buyer or lessee, which:
(a) Is subject to the dealer's, or his or her authorized
representative's future acceptance, and the dealer fails or refuses
within three calendar days, exclusive of Saturday, Sunday, or legal
holiday, and prior to any further negotiations with said buyer or
lessee, either (i) to deliver to the buyer or lessee the dealer's
signed acceptance, or (ii) to void the order, offer, or contract
document and tender the return of any initial payment or security made
or given by the buyer or lessee, including but not limited to money,
check, promissory note, vehicle keys, a trade-in, or certificate of
title to a trade-in; or
(b) Permits the dealer to renegotiate a dollar amount specified as
trade-in allowance on a vehicle delivered or to be delivered by the
buyer or lessee as part of the purchase price or lease, for any reason
(i) Failure to disclose that the vehicle's certificate of ownership
has been branded for any reason, including, but not limited to, status
as a rebuilt vehicle as provided in RCW 46.12.050 and 46.12.075; or
(ii) Substantial physical damage or latent mechanical defect
occurring before the dealer took possession of the vehicle and which
could not have been reasonably discoverable at the time of the taking
of the order, offer, or contract; or
(iii) Excessive additional miles or a discrepancy in the mileage.
"Excessive additional miles" means the addition of five hundred miles
or more, as reflected on the vehicle's odometer, between the time the
vehicle was first valued by the dealer for purposes of determining its
trade-in value and the time of actual delivery of the vehicle to the
dealer. "A discrepancy in the mileage" means (A) a discrepancy between
the mileage reflected on the vehicle's odometer and the stated mileage
on the signed odometer statement; or (B) a discrepancy between the
mileage stated on the signed odometer statement and the actual mileage
on the vehicle; or
(c) Fails to comply with the obligation of any written warranty or
guarantee given by the dealer requiring the furnishing of services or
repairs within a reasonable time.
(5) To commit any offense relating to odometers, as such offenses
are defined in RCW 46.37.540, 46.37.550, 46.37.560, and 46.37.570. A
violation of this subsection is a class C felony punishable under
chapter 9A.20 RCW.
(6) For any vehicle dealer or vehicle salesperson to refuse to
furnish, upon request of a prospective purchaser or lessee, for
vehicles previously registered to a business or governmental entity,
the name and address of the business or governmental entity.
(7) To commit any other offense under RCW 46.37.423, 46.37.424, or
(8) To commit any offense relating to a dealer's temporary license
permit, including but not limited to failure to properly complete each
such permit, or the issuance of more than one such permit on any one
vehicle. However, a dealer may issue a second temporary permit on a
vehicle if the following conditions are met:
(a) The lienholder fails to deliver the vehicle title to the dealer
within the required time period;
(b) The dealer has satisfied the lien; and
(c) The dealer has proof that payment of the lien was made within
two calendar days, exclusive of Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday,
after the sales contract has been executed by all parties and all
conditions and contingencies in the sales contract have been met or
otherwise satisfied.
(9) For a dealer, salesperson, or mobile home manufacturer, having
taken an instrument or cash "on deposit" from a purchaser or lessee
prior to the delivery of the bargained-for vehicle, to commingle the
"on deposit" funds with assets of the dealer, salesperson, or mobile
home manufacturer instead of holding the "on deposit" funds as trustee
in a separate trust account until the purchaser or lessee has taken
delivery of the bargained-for vehicle. Delivery of a manufactured home
shall be deemed to occur in accordance with RCW 46.70.135(5). Failure,
immediately upon receipt, to endorse "on deposit" instruments to such
a trust account, or to set aside "on deposit" cash for deposit in such
trust account, and failure to deposit such instruments or cash in such
trust account by the close of banking hours on the day following
receipt thereof, shall be evidence of intent to commit this unlawful
practice: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That a motor vehicle dealer may keep a
separate trust account which equals his or her customary total customer
deposits for vehicles for future delivery. For purposes of this
section, "on deposit" funds received from a purchaser of a manufactured
home means those funds that a seller requires a purchaser to advance
before ordering the manufactured home, but does not include any loan
proceeds or moneys that might have been paid on an installment
(10) For a dealer or manufacturer to fail to comply with the
obligations of any written warranty or guarantee given by the dealer or
manufacturer requiring the furnishing of goods and services or repairs
within a reasonable period of time, or to fail to furnish to a
purchaser or lessee, all parts which attach to the manufactured unit
including but not limited to the undercarriage, and all items specified
in the terms of a sales or lease agreement signed by the seller and
buyer or lessee.
(11) For a vehicle dealer to pay to or receive from any person,
firm, partnership, association, or corporation acting, either directly
or through a subsidiary, as a buyer's agent for consumers, any
compensation, fee, purchase moneys or funds that have been deposited
into or withdrawn out of any account controlled or used by any buyer's
agent, gratuity, or reward in connection with the purchase, sale, or
lease of a new motor vehicle.
(12) For a buyer's agent, acting directly or through a subsidiary,
to pay to or to receive from any motor vehicle dealer any compensation,
fee, gratuity, or reward in connection with the purchase, sale, or
lease of a new motor vehicle. In addition, it is unlawful for any
buyer's agent to engage in any of the following acts on behalf of or in
the name of the consumer:
(a) Receiving or paying any purchase moneys or funds into or out of
any account controlled or used by any buyer's agent;
(b) Signing any vehicle purchase orders, sales contracts, leases,
odometer statements, or title documents, or having the name of the
buyer's agent appear on the vehicle purchase order, sales contract,
lease, or title; or
(c) Signing any other documentation relating to the purchase, sale,
lease, or transfer of any new motor vehicle.
It is unlawful for a buyer's agent to use a power of attorney
obtained from the consumer to accomplish or effect the purchase, sale,
lease, or transfer of ownership documents of any new motor vehicle by
any means which would otherwise be prohibited under (a) through (c) of
this subsection. However, the buyer's agent may use a power of
attorney for physical delivery of motor vehicle license plates to the
Further, it is unlawful for a buyer's agent to engage in any false,
deceptive, or misleading advertising, disseminated in any manner
whatsoever, including but not limited to making any claim or statement
that the buyer's agent offers, obtains, or guarantees the lowest price
on any motor vehicle or words to similar effect.
(13) For a buyer's agent to arrange for or to negotiate the
purchase, or both, of a new motor vehicle through an out-of-state
dealer without disclosing in writing to the customer that the new
vehicle would not be subject to chapter 19.118 RCW. This subsection
also applies to leased vehicles. In addition, it is unlawful for any
buyer's agent to fail to have a written agreement with the customer
that: (a) Sets forth the terms of the parties' agreement; (b)
discloses to the customer the total amount of any fees or other
compensation being paid by the customer to the buyer's agent for the
agent's services; and (c) further discloses whether the fee or any
portion of the fee is refundable.
(14) Being a manufacturer, other than a motorcycle manufacturer
governed by chapter 46.94 RCW, to:
(a) Coerce or attempt to coerce any vehicle dealer to order or
accept delivery of any vehicle or vehicles, parts or accessories, or
any other commodities which have not been voluntarily ordered by the
vehicle dealer: PROVIDED, That recommendation, endorsement,
exposition, persuasion, urging, or argument are not deemed to
constitute coercion;
(b) Cancel or fail to renew the franchise or selling agreement of
any vehicle dealer doing business in this state without fairly
compensating the dealer at a fair going business value for his or her
capital investment which shall include but not be limited to tools,
equipment, and parts inventory possessed by the dealer on the day he or
she is notified of such cancellation or termination and which are still
within the dealer's possession on the day the cancellation or
termination is effective, if: (i) The capital investment has been
entered into with reasonable and prudent business judgment for the
purpose of fulfilling the franchise; and (ii) the cancellation or
nonrenewal was not done in good faith. Good faith is defined as the
duty of each party to any franchise to act in a fair and equitable
manner towards each other, so as to guarantee one party freedom from
coercion, intimidation, or threats of coercion or intimidation from the
other party: PROVIDED, That recommendation, endorsement, exposition,
persuasion, urging, or argument are not deemed to constitute a lack of
good faith;
(c) Encourage, aid, abet, or teach a vehicle dealer to sell or
lease vehicles through any false, deceptive, or misleading sales or
financing practices including but not limited to those practices
declared unlawful in this section;
(d) Coerce or attempt to coerce a vehicle dealer to engage in any
practice forbidden in this section by either threats of actual
cancellation or failure to renew the dealer's franchise agreement;
(e) Refuse to deliver any vehicle publicly advertised for immediate
delivery to any duly licensed vehicle dealer having a franchise or
contractual agreement for the retail sale or lease of new and unused
vehicles sold or distributed by such manufacturer within sixty days
after such dealer's order has been received in writing unless caused by
inability to deliver because of shortage or curtailment of material,
labor, transportation, or utility services, or by any labor or
production difficulty, or by any cause beyond the reasonable control of
the manufacturer;
(f) To provide under the terms of any warranty that a purchaser or
lessee of any new or unused vehicle that has been sold or leased,
distributed for sale or lease, or transferred into this state for
resale or lease by the vehicle manufacturer may only make any warranty
claim on any item included as an integral part of the vehicle against
the manufacturer of that item.
Nothing in this section may be construed to impair the obligations
of a contract or to prevent a manufacturer, distributor,
representative, or any other person, whether or not licensed under this
chapter, from requiring performance of a written contract entered into
with any licensee hereunder, nor does the requirement of such
performance constitute a violation of any of the provisions of this
section if any such contract or the terms thereof requiring
performance, have been freely entered into and executed between the
contracting parties. This paragraph and subsection (14)(b) of this
section do not apply to new motor vehicle manufacturers governed by
chapter 46.96 RCW.
(15) Unlawful transfer of an ownership interest in a motor vehicle
as defined in RCW 19.116.050.
(16) To knowingly and intentionally engage in collusion with a
registered owner of a vehicle to repossess and return or resell the
vehicle to the registered owner in an attempt to avoid a suspended
license impound under chapter 46.55 RCW. However, compliance with
chapter 62A.9A RCW in repossessing, selling, leasing, or otherwise
disposing of the vehicle, including providing redemption rights to the
debtor, is not a violation of this section.
Sec. 2 RCW 63.14.010 and 1999 c 113 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Goods" means all chattels personal when purchased primarily
for personal, family, or household use and not for commercial or
business use, but not including money or, except as provided in the
next sentence, things in action. The term includes but is not limited
to merchandise certificates or coupons, issued by a retail seller, to
be used in their face amount in lieu of cash in exchange for goods or
services sold by such a seller and goods which, at the time of sale or
subsequently, are to be so affixed to real property as to become a part
thereof, whether or not severable therefrom;
(2) "Lender credit card" means a card or device under a lender
credit card agreement pursuant to which the issuer gives to a
cardholder residing in this state the privilege of obtaining credit
from the issuer or other persons in purchasing or leasing property or
services, obtaining loans, or otherwise, and the issuer of which is
not: (a) Principally engaged in the business of selling goods; or (b)
a financial institution;
(3) "Lender credit card agreement" means an agreement entered into
or performed in this state prescribing the terms of retail installment
transactions pursuant to which the issuer may, with the buyer's
consent, purchase or acquire one or more retail sellers' indebtedness
of the buyer under a sales slip or memorandum evidencing the purchase,
lease, loan, or otherwise to be paid in accordance with the agreement.
The issuer of a lender credit card agreement shall not be principally
engaged in the business of selling goods or be a financial institution;
(4) "Financial institution" means any bank or trust company, mutual
savings bank, credit union, or savings and loan association organized
pursuant to the laws of any one of the United States of America or the
United States of America, or the laws of a foreign country if also
qualified to conduct business in any one of the United States of
America or pursuant to the laws of the United States of America;
(5) "Services" means work, labor, or services of any kind when
purchased primarily for personal, family, or household use and not for
commercial or business use whether or not furnished in connection with
the delivery, installation, servicing, repair, or improvement of goods
and includes repairs, alterations, or improvements upon or in
connection with real property, but does not include services for which
the price charged is required by law to be determined or approved by or
to be filed, subject to approval or disapproval, with the United States
or any state, or any department, division, agency, officer, or official
of either as in the case of transportation services;
(6) "Retail buyer" or "buyer" means a person who buys or agrees to
buy goods or obtain services or agrees to have services rendered or
furnished, from a retail seller;
(7) "Retail seller" or "seller" means a person engaged in the
business of selling goods or services to retail buyers;
(8) "Retail installment transaction" means any transaction in which
a retail buyer purchases goods or services from a retail seller
pursuant to a retail installment contract, a retail charge agreement,
or a lender credit card agreement, as defined in this section, which
provides for a service charge, as defined in this section, and under
which the buyer agrees to pay the unpaid principal balance in one or
more installments or which provides for no service charge and under
which the buyer agrees to pay the unpaid balance in more than four
(9) "Retail installment contract" or "contract" means a contract,
other than a retail charge agreement, a lender credit card agreement,
or an instrument reflecting a sale made pursuant thereto, entered into
or performed in this state for a retail installment transaction. The
term "retail installment contract" may include a chattel mortgage, a
conditional sale contract, and a contract in the form of a bailment or
a lease if the bailee or lessee contracts to pay as compensation for
their use a sum substantially equivalent to or in excess of the value
of the goods sold and if it is agreed that the bailee or lessee is
bound to become, or for no other or a merely nominal consideration, has
the option of becoming the owner of the goods upon full compliance with
the provisions of the bailment or lease. The term "retail installment
contract" does not include: (a) A "consumer lease," heretofore or
hereafter entered into, as defined in RCW 63.10.020; (b) a lease which
would constitute such "consumer lease" but for the fact that: (i) It
was entered into before April 29, 1983; (ii) the lessee was not a
natural person; (iii) the lease was not primarily for personal, family,
or household purposes; or (iv) the total contractual obligations
exceeded twenty-five thousand dollars; or (c) a lease-purchase
agreement under chapter 63.19 RCW;
(10) "Retail charge agreement," "revolving charge agreement," or
"charge agreement" means an agreement between a retail buyer and a
retail seller that is entered into or performed in this state and that
prescribes the terms of retail installment transactions with one or
more sellers which may be made thereunder from time to time and under
the terms of which a service charge, as defined in this section, is to
be computed in relation to the buyer's unpaid balance from time to
(11) "Service charge" however denominated or expressed, means the
amount which is paid or payable for the privilege of purchasing goods
or services to be paid for by the buyer in installments over a period
of time. It does not include the amount, if any, charged for insurance
premiums, delinquency charges, attorneys' fees, court costs, any
vehicle dealer administrative fee under RCW 46.12.042, any vehicle
dealer documentary service fee under RCW 46.70.180(2), or official
(12) "Sale price" means the price for which the seller would have
sold or furnished to the buyer, and the buyer would have bought or
obtained from the seller, the goods or services which are the subject
matter of a retail installment transaction. The sale price may include
any taxes, registration and license fees, any vehicle dealer
administrative fee, any vehicle dealer documentary service fee, and
charges for transferring vehicle titles, delivery, installation,
servicing, repairs, alterations, or improvements;
(13) "Official fees" means the amount of the fees prescribed by law
and payable to the state, county, or other governmental agency for
filing, recording, or otherwise perfecting, and releasing or
satisfying, a retained title, lien, or other security interest created
by a retail installment transaction;
(14) "Time balance" means the principal balance plus the service
(15) "Principal balance" means the sale price of the goods or
services which are the subject matter of a retail installment contract
less the amount of the buyer's down payment in money or goods or both,
plus the amounts, if any, included therein, if a separate identified
charge is made therefor and stated in the contract, for insurance, any
vehicle dealer administrative fee, any vehicle dealer documentary
service fee, and official fees; and the amount actually paid or to be
paid by the retail seller pursuant to an agreement with the buyer to
discharge a security interest or lien on like-kind goods traded in or
lease interest in the circumstance of a lease for like goods being
terminated in conjunction with the sale pursuant to a retail
installment contract;
(16) "Person" means an individual, partnership, joint venture,
corporation, association, or any other group, however organized;
(17) "Rate" means the percentage which, when multiplied times the
outstanding balance for each month or other installment period, yields
the amount of the service charge for such month or period.
Sec. 3 RCW 63.14.130 and 1999 c 113 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
The service charge shall be inclusive of all charges incident to
investigating and making the retail installment contract or charge
agreement and for the privilege of making the installment payments
thereunder and no other fee, expense or charge whatsoever shall be
taken, received, reserved or contracted therefor from the buyer, except
for any vehicle dealer administrative fee under RCW 46.12.042 or for
any vehicle dealer documentary service fee under RCW 46.70.180(2).
(1) The service charge, in a retail installment contract, shall not
exceed the dollar amount or rate agreed to by contract and disclosed
under RCW 63.14.040(1)(h).
(2) The service charge in a retail charge agreement, revolving
charge agreement, lender credit card agreement, or charge agreement,
shall not exceed the schedule or rate agreed to by contract and
disclosed under RCW 63.14.120(1). If the service charge so computed is
less than one dollar for any month, then one dollar may be charged.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 This act takes effect only when Senate Bill
No. 6061 or House Bill No. 2231 takes effect. If neither of these
bills takes effect by December 31, 2003, this act is null and void in
its entirety.