SB 6343 - DIGEST
Finds that while the majority of children are regularly attending school or are being homeschooled by the age of six, a small number of children are not. Under current law, children are not required to attend school until they are eight years of age.
Declares an intent to lower the age of compulsory education, and thereby better ensure that children are provided an education at an early age.
Does not intend to change the laws governing the provision of home-based instruction, including changing the age when registration is required, testing is required, or course offerings are required.
Requires all parents in this state of any child six years of age by midnight August 31st and under eighteen years of age to cause such child to attend the public school of the district in which the child resides and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full time when such school may be in session unless designated conditions are met.