SB 6449 - DIGEST
Creates the K-12 finance study executive committee to conduct a comprehensive K-12 education finance study.
Requires the comprehensive study to address the following: (1) The constitutional and legal requirements underlying the current finance system and how those requirements are affected by the goal under education reform to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve the state standards;
(2) The strengths and weaknesses of the current state and local finance formulas and how those formulas are used by local school districts to meet state requirements and student learning goals;
(3) Potential changes to the current finance system including the methods of allocating funds and the levels of funding and how student achievement is affected;
(4) Reviewing the funding systems in at least five other states.
Requires the study to be completed by July 1, 2006. The results shall be reported to the governor, the legislature, and the superintendent of public instruction.
Appropriates the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, from the general fund for the biennium ending June 30, 2005, to the superintendent of public instruction to be spent for the comprehensive K-12 education finance study under this act under the direction of the K-12 finance study executive committee created under this act.