Passed by the House March 8, 2005 Yeas 97 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 5, 2005 Yeas 46 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1536 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 59th Legislature | 2005 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to providing the secretary of health with authority to administer grants on behalf of the department of health; and amending RCW 43.70.005 and 43.70.040.
Sec. 1 RCW 43.70.005 and 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 s 101 are each
amended to read as follows:
The legislature finds and declares that it is of importance to the
people of Washington state to live in a healthy environment and to
expect a minimum standard of quality in health care. The legislature
further finds that the social and economic vitality of the state
((depend[s])) depends on a healthy and productive population. The
legislature further declares where it is a duty of the state to assure
a healthy environment and minimum standards of quality in health care
facilities and among health care professionals, the ultimate
responsibility for a healthy society lies with the citizens themselves.
For these reasons, the legislature recognizes the need for a
strong, clear focus on health issues in state government and among
state health agencies to give expression to the needs of individual
citizens and local communities as they seek to preserve the public
health. It is the intent of the legislature to form such focus by
creating a single department in state government with the primary
responsibilities for the preservation of public health, monitoring
health care costs, the maintenance of minimal standards for quality in
health care delivery, and the general oversight and planning for all
the state's activities as they relate to the health of its citizenry.
Further, it is the intent of the legislature to improve illness and
injury prevention and health promotion, and restore the confidence of
the citizenry in the efficient and accountable expenditure of public
funds on health activities that further the mission of the agency via
grants and contracts, and to ensure that this new health agency
delivers quality health services in an efficient, effective, and
economical manner that is faithful and responsive to policies
established by the legislature.
Sec. 2 RCW 43.70.040 and 2001 c 80 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
In addition to any other powers granted the secretary, the
secretary may:
(1) Adopt, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW, rules necessary to
carry out the provisions of chapter 9, Laws of 1989 1st ex. sess.:
PROVIDED, That for rules adopted after July 23, 1995, the secretary may
not rely solely on a section of law stating a statute's intent or
purpose, on the enabling provisions of the statute establishing the
agency, or on any combination of such provisions, for statutory
authority to adopt any rule;
(2) Appoint such advisory committees as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions of chapter 9, Laws of 1989 1st ex. sess. Members of
such advisory committees are authorized to receive travel expenses in
accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. The secretary and the
board of health shall review each advisory committee within their
jurisdiction and each statutory advisory committee on a biennial basis
to determine if such advisory committee is needed;
(3) Undertake studies, research, and analysis necessary to carry
out the provisions of chapter 9, Laws of 1989 1st ex. sess. in
accordance with RCW 43.70.050;
(4) Delegate powers, duties, and functions of the department to
employees of the department as the secretary deems necessary to carry
out the provisions of chapter 9, Laws of 1989 1st ex. sess.;
(5) Enter into contracts and enter into and distribute grants on
behalf of the department to carry out the purposes of chapter 9, Laws
of 1989 1st ex. sess. The department must report to the legislature a
summary of the grants distributed under this authority, for each year
of the first biennium after the department receives authority to
distribute grants under this section, and make it electronically
(6) Act for the state in the initiation of, or the participation
in, any intergovernmental program to the purposes of chapter 9, Laws of
1989 1st ex. sess.; or
(7) Solicit and accept gifts, grants, bequests, devises, or other
funds from public and private sources.