WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America was established on February 8,
1910, by founders Robert Baden Powell, Ernest Thompson Seton, Daniel
Carter Beard, and William D. Boyce; and
WHEREAS, The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare
young people to make moral and ethical choices over their lifetimes by
instilling in them the values and principles of the Scout Oath and
Laws; and
WHEREAS, From its beginning, the concept of Scouting has grown and
spread throughout the world to become the largest voluntary youth
movement in the world; and
WHEREAS, For more than ninety years, the Boy Scouts of America has
complemented youth education with a program that teaches our youth the
skills, morals, and values that will help them throughout their
lifetimes; and
WHEREAS, The Scout Law teaches Scouts to be "trustworthy, loyal,
helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave,
clean, and reverent"; and
WHEREAS, The Boy Scouts of America has reached a historic
membership milestone with the addition of over one hundred million
members; and
WHEREAS, In Washington State, there are over one hundred thousand
youths involved in the Boy Scouts of America, and nationally there are
over four million members ranging from Tiger Cubs to Eagle Scouts; and
WHEREAS, Youths from every ethnic, religious, and economic
background in suburbs, farms, and cities know and respect each other as
they participate in the Boy Scouts program; and
WHEREAS, With the support of over one million two hundred thousand
adult volunteers nationwide, the Boy Scouts of America passes on to
today's youth the same principles, aims, and ideals that have been part
of Scouting since 1910; and
WHEREAS, At the dawn of the new millennium, the Boy Scouts of
America look forward to continue building upon nine decades of
instilling in youth the strong values and morals that will make a
difference in the lives of millions in the new century;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
applaud the effort and work of the six Washington State Councils of the
Boy Scouts of America, and also applaud the positive programs that the
Boy Scouts of America provide for our youth; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage
all agencies of state government to recognize the service and benefits
that are provided by the Boy Scouts of America and work with Scouting
and other youth organizations for the purpose of improving our
communities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to the National Boy Scouts of America Office; the
Western Region Office of the Boy Scouts of America; and to the Boy
Scout Councils serving Washington State.