WHEREAS, Washington has been blessed with local granges since 1873
and a statewide grange organization since shortly before the admission
of Washington Territory to statehood in 1889; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Grange enjoys the distinction of
having more Grangers than any other state -- currently around 50,000
members of a nationwide total of 350,000 members in 37 states; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Grange coordinates the activities of
the state's 300 subordinate granges; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Grange invites all state residents to
consider becoming members of this progressive, active, and concerned
organization; and
WHEREAS, The Grange continues to honor its long-standing commitment
to boosting the standard of living for farmers and other rural
residents; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Grange, a nonpartisan, grass roots
organization, takes pride in sponsoring a multitude of activities
ranging from presenting college scholarships to legislative involvement
and coordinating projects and contests; and
WHEREAS, Dedicated to community building and involvement, many
Pomona Granges organize countywide events such as softball or bowling
leagues, camping clubs, or fund-raising drives for food banks,
charities, or other community services; and
WHEREAS, The Grange maintains a strong and abiding interest in
quality of life issues important to rural and urban residents of our
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate
congratulate the Grange on more than 130 years of service in Washington
Territory and the State of Washington; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor the
Washington State Grange for its many positive contributions to our
communities and encourage officers and members to keep up the good and
useful work they do; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to State Grange
President Terry Hunt at the Washington State Grange headquarters in