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Washington State Senate | 5th Order | |
Introduction and First Reading Short Titles and Referrals |
2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem | ||
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2005 | 22ND DAY | ||
SB 5600 | By Senators Franklin, Kohl-Welles, Benton, Keiser, Kastama, Spanel, Fairley and Brown Encouraging employers to be infant-friendly. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5601 | By Senator Eide Modifying property taxation for fire protection services. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5602 | By Senators Rasmussen and Schoesler; by request of Department of Agriculture Managing livestock nutrients. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE & RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5603 | By Senator Hargrove Requiring an education and higher education finance study. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5604 | By Senators Prentice and Zarelli Providing a tax credit for syrup sales. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5605 | By Senators Thibaudeau, Pflug, Keiser, Deccio, Kohl-Welles and Parlette Regulating naturopathic physicians. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5606 | By Senators Pridemore and Schmidt; by request of Governor Gregoire Concerning the activation of the national guard. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5607 | By Senators Deccio and Keiser; by request of Insurance Commissioner Regulating health care grievance and appeal processes. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5608 | By Senators Shin, Schmidt, Rockefeller, Mulliken and Carrell Limiting the authority to condemn property outside the boundaries of the condemning entity. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5609 | By Senators Shin, Mulliken, Keiser, Carrell, Kohl-Welles and Benson Increasing the operating fee waiver authority for Central Washington University. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5610 | By Senator Jacobsen Promoting salmon recovery on a regionwide basis. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES, OCEAN & RECREATION. |
SB 5611 | By Senators Esser, Kline, Regala, Hewitt, Fairley, McCaslin, Zarelli, Weinstein, Stevens, Johnson, Brandland and Hargrove Changing the interest rate on legal financial obligations. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5612 | By Senators Berkey, Schmidt, Keiser, Roach, Kohl-Welles, Oke, Pridemore and Fairley Expanding programs eligible for housing assistance grants and loans. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & CONSUMER PROTECTION. |
SB 5613 | By Senators Berkey, Schmidt, Keiser, Roach, Kohl-Welles, Fairley, Pridemore and Oke Authorizing community colleges to deduct certain payments from tuition waivers. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5614 | By Senators Keiser, Parlette, Rasmussen, Hargrove and Honeyford Requiring annual audits of the state industrial insurance fund. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5615 | By Senators Franklin, Delvin, Kohl-Welles and Parlette; by request of LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board Receiving a disability allowance under the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system, plan 2. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5616 | By Senators Parlette, Kohl-Welles, Delvin and Doumit; by request of LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board Permitting members of the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system plan 2 to make a one-time purchase of additional service credit. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5617 | By Senators Parlette, Kohl-Welles, Delvin, Doumit and Franklin; by request of LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board Suspending a retirement allowance upon reemployment. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5618 | By Senators Kline, Pridemore, Kastama, Poulsen, Rockefeller and Fairley Clarifying the process for designation of forest lands of long-term commercial significance. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES, OCEAN & RECREATION. |
SB 5619 | By Senators Kline, Pridemore, Kastama, Poulsen, Rockefeller, Fairley and Fraser Requiring consideration of water quality during growth management planning. Referred to Committee on WATER, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT. |
SB 5620 | By Senators Kline, Mulliken, Pridemore, Kastama, Poulsen, Rockefeller and Fairley Providing for priority consideration of voluntary buffers in open space plans and public benefit rating systems. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5621 | By Senators McAuliffe, Weinstein, Pridemore, Rockefeller, Kohl-Welles and Rasmussen Requiring the superintendent of public instruction to adopt standards for voluntary certification of preschools. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5622 | By Senators Doumit, Johnson, Kastama, Keiser, McAuliffe, Finkbeiner, Prentice, Delvin, Roach, Berkey, Pflug, Hewitt, Zarelli and Schmidt Conforming Washington's tax structure to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5623 | By Senators Haugen and Esser Clarifying that sales and use tax does not apply to certain regional transit authority service agreements. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5624 | By Senators Kastama, McAuliffe, Hargrove, Weinstein, Spanel and Delvin Authorizing local government funding of ambulance and emergency services. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5625 | By Senators Kohl-Welles, Schoesler, Hewitt, Poulsen, McAuliffe and Delvin Regarding gender equity reporting. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5626 | By Senators Doumit, Hewitt, Prentice, Roach, Zarelli, Rasmussen and Regala Modifying the business and occupation tax of wholesale sales of motor vehicle and special fuels. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5627 | By Senators Kline, Johnson and Delvin; by request of Integrated Justice Information Board Addressing the failure to respond to citations and notices of infractions. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5628 | By Senators Keiser and Parlette Revising insurance coverage of pharmacy services. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5629 | By Senator Jacobsen Creating the office of student assistance to handle student financial aid programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5630 | By Senator Jacobsen Providing funding for parks and recreational facilities. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES, OCEAN & RECREATION. |
SB 5631 | By Senators Regala, Hargrove, Stevens, Brandland, Kline, McAuliffe, Franklin, Prentice, Esser and Delvin Changing provisions relating to inmate work programs. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5632 | By Senators Schoesler, Hewitt, Mulliken, Parlette, Rasmussen, Roach, Jacobsen, Haugen and Honeyford Describing educational visits to small agricultural employers. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5633 | By Senators Carrell, Rasmussen, Rockefeller, Shin, Stevens and Hargrove Revising provisions relating to retention of information concerning unfounded allegations of child abuse or neglect. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5634 | By Senators Schoesler, Sheldon, Carrell, Stevens, Schmidt, Shin, Mulliken, Morton, Benson, Delvin, Pflug and Esser Requiring that educational credits used to increase teachers' salaries are earned at verified accredited educational institutions. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5635 | By Senators Schoesler, Mulliken, Esser, Hargrove, Hewitt, Carrell, Stevens, Benson, Schmidt, Honeyford, McCaslin and Sheldon Clarifying the process for restoration of the right to possess firearms. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5636 | By Senators Keiser, Benson, Franklin, Parlette, Kline, Thibaudeau and Kastama Revising provision for imposition of sanctions on health professionals. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5637 | By Senators Keiser, Thibaudeau, Franklin, Kline and Prentice Creating the "Health Care Responsibility Act" to expand access to health insurance coverage. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5638 | By Senators McAuliffe, Rasmussen and Poulsen Changing student assessment provisions. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SJM 8010 | By Senators Rasmussen, Schoesler, Sheldon, Franklin, Roach, Spanel, Deccio, McAuliffe, Shin, Haugen, Prentice, Fairley and Rockefeller Petitioning the United States Department of Agriculture to delay plans to reopen the border to Canadian cattle and beef products. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE & RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SJM 8011 | By Senators McAuliffe, Weinstein, Kline, Franklin, Spanel, Rasmussen, Keiser, Schmidt, Rockefeller, Pridemore, Jacobsen, Prentice, Fairley, Brown, Doumit, Poulsen, Thibaudeau, Regala and Eide Petitioning the President and Congress to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SHB 1154 | By House Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance (originally sponsored by Representatives Schual-Berke, Campbell, Kirby, Jarrett, Green, Kessler, Simpson, Clibborn, Hasegawa, Appleton, Moeller, Kagi, Ormsby, Chase, McCoy, Kilmer, Williams, O'Brien, P. Sullivan, Tom, Morrell, Fromhold, Dunshee, Lantz, McIntire, Sells, Murray, Kenney, Haigh, Darneille, McDermott, Dickerson, Santos and Linville) Requiring that insurance coverage for mental health services be at parity with medical and surgical services. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |