6580-S.E AMH HALE OSBO 096





ESSB 6580 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-5948.1/08) 1489

By Representative Haler

WITHDRAWN 3/06/2008


   On page 6, after line 26 of the striking amendment, insert the following:


   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. Jurisdictions addressing climate change cannot restrict otherwise legal activities or deny permits to individuals, companies, or new industries wanting to locate within the jurisdiction on the basis that there is the potential that the requested activity will increase greenhouse gas emissions."


   Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.



EFFECT: Adds a new section prohibiting jurisdictions that address climate change from restricting otherwise lawful activities or denying permits to entities wanting to locate within the jurisdiction based upon a determination that the activities of such entities may increase greenhouse gas emissions.