8011-S AMH ED MCLA 207







By By Committee on Education

ADOPTED 4/9/2007


   On page 3, at the beginning of line 4, insert "WHEREAS, Career and technical education teachers are often hired from industries in which a bachelor's degree is not the preferred level of certification; and

   WHEREAS, The Washington State Legislature passed legislation in 2006 that recognizes credit for core academic subjects learned through career and technical education, but if the teacher does not have a bachelor's degree the school district must report them to parents as "not highly qualified," which places these teachers at a disadvantage in school districts; and

   WHEREAS, Positive changes in the definition of highly qualified teachers will assist in the awarding of equivalency credits and remove the stigma surrounding industry-certified teachers; and"




EFFECT: Raises the issue of CTE teachers certified by industry but without a bachelor's degree and the disadvantage caused by them not being considered "highly qualified" under the NCLB.