SSB 5463
As Passed House:
April 4, 2007
Title: An act relating to forest fire protection assessments.
Brief Description: Modifying forest fire protection assessments.
Sponsors: By Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senators Jacobsen, Rockefeller, Morton, Shin and Rasmussen; by request of Department of Natural Resources).
Brief History:
Agriculture & Natural Resources: 3/19/07, 3/22/07 [DP];
Appropriations: 3/27/07 [DP].
Floor Activity:
Passed House: 4/4/07, 91-4.
Brief Summary of Substitute Bill |
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 13 members: Representatives B. Sullivan, Chair; Blake, Vice Chair; Kretz, Ranking Minority Member; Warnick, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Dickerson, Eickmeyer, Grant, Hailey, Kagi, Lantz, McCoy, Newhouse and Strow.
Minority Report: Do not pass. Signed by 1 member: Representative Orcutt.
Staff: Jason Callahan (786-7117).
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 33 members: Representatives Sommers, Chair; Dunshee, Vice Chair; Alexander, Ranking Minority Member; Bailey, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Anderson, Buri, Chandler, Cody, Conway, Darneille, Dunn, Ericks, Fromhold, Grant, Haigh, Hinkle, Hunt, Hunter, Kagi, Kenney, Kessler, Kretz, Linville, McDermott, McDonald, McIntire, Morrell, Pettigrew, Priest, Schual-Berke, Seaquist, P. Sullivan and Walsh.
Staff: Alicia Dunkin (786-7178).
The costs of forest fire protection are intended to be equitably shared between forest
landowners and the state. Owners of forest land are under an obligation to provide forest fire
protection on their land at a level that provides adequate protection against the spread of fire
from or across their land. However, if a landowner's property is located on forest land not
included within the boundaries of a rural or municipal fire district, and the landowner fails to
provide adequate protection against the spread of forest fire, then the landowner must pay to
the Department of Natural Resources (Department) a forest fire protection assessment
Landowners paying the assessment are billed both at a flat rate and at an additional rate
according to the size of the forest land they own. All landowners must pay a flat rate
assessment fee of $14.50. This flat rate fee is paid by all forest land owners regardless of
ownership size. Landowners who own more than 50 acres of forest land must pay the flat
rate fee plus an additional 25 cents on each acre over the initial 50 acres.
Summary of Bill:
The forest fire protection assessment charge for forest landowners is increased. The flat fee
assessment paid for the first 50 acres of forest land owned is increased from $14.50 to
$17.50. The additional per acre assessment that applies to each acre owned over 50 acres is
increased from 25 cents per acre to 27 cents per acre.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony: (Agriculture & Natural Resources)
(In support) Raising the assessment is important for the Department to have continued
funding for forest fire protection services. Increased funding allows the Department to
respond to fires quickly, which is necessary to keep fires small and manageable.
An increase in the assessment is necessary to maintain the equitable fifty-fifty split in fire
protection funding from the General Fund and private forest landowners. The shared funding
of fire protection services is a model that has worked throughout the West, but has gotten out
of balance in Washington. In the past, more than 50 percent of the fire protection funding
came from landowner payments and the General Fund portion had to be increased to make
the payment scheme equitable. Now more than 50 percent is coming from the General Fund,
so it is only fair that landowner assessments are increased to again regain equitable funding.
(Opposed) None.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony: (Appropriations)
(In support) The companion House bill passed unanimously and the Department of Natural
Resources has already provided you with testimony on that bill, which we will not repeat, but
we urge your support of this bill.
(Opposed) None.
Persons Testifying: (Agriculture & Natural Resources) Vicki Christiansen, Department of Natural Resources; Debora Munguia, Washington Forest Protection Association; and Tim Boyd, Port Blakely and Vaagen Brothers.
Persons Testifying: (Appropriations) Joe Shramek, Department of Natural Resources.